Student Complaints and Appeals Policies and Procedures

Student Complaints and Appeals

ACAP has developed grievances and appeals policy and procedures to reassure intending and current students, graduates, staff and clients of the College of the following:

  • any grievances, complaints and disputes will be taken seriously and handled professionally and in accordance with the College’s Principles of Procedural Fairness in order to achieve a speedy resolution;
  • there is a clear and transparent step by step procedure for the resolution of grievances and appeals; and
  • the contact details of internal areas and external organisations who may assist in the event of a grievance or an appeal are readily available.


At ACAP grievances and appeals can fall into several categories and different policy and procedures apply to these categories, as follows:

ACAP’s intending and current students, graduates, staff and clients of the College can lodge their grievance and complaints through our online portal.



If you are unsure which policy or procedure relates to the nature of your complaint, grievance or appeal please contact either your Academic Coordinator or the Student Engagement Team.

Alternatively contact the ACAP Student Centre.

Tel: 1800 061 199 [National Freecall]

Email: [email protected]

Drop-in: Campus Locations



Information on raising a concern with TEQSA is available at

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