Diversity & Inclusion Diversity & Inclusion
inclusion for all


inclusion for all


We are different altogether

diversity and inclusion

We are committed to creating a people centred college that supports and promotes equity, diversity and inclusion for all. This philosophy and policy is a work in progress and is brought to you by ACAP’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group (a mix of ACAP students and staff). We are working towards a college culture where every voice is heard and respected. Where you have freedom from discrimination and harassment, and feel supported, valued and included. If you have questions or any ideas and suggestions on how we can improve, we would love to hear from you and always value feedback.

Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion

working for change

At ACAP, we work to ensure all our people feel comfortable bringing their whole selves to College.

We welcome and celebrate diversity, uniqueness and a respect for difference, acknowledging that all our community benefits from a wide breadth of perspectives across College life.

We are committed to creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive learning environment and ensuring all our community is treated equally so they can enjoy everything ACAP has to offer.

We apply this in every aspect of our operations, it’s in our DNA and we encourage our students and staff to feedback suggestions that help with its on-going evolution.

Our Commitment to You

Social justice and inclusion are at the core of what we do at ACAP. Our equity, diversity and inclusion commitments aim to ensure fairness in our day-to-day operations, not only because it’s the right thing to do, but so that all of us can benefit from a rich and diverse College community.

We commit to:

  • Provide an environment where students, staff and visitors are treated equally and feel comfortable bringing their whole selves to our college, regardless of their gender identity, race, social background, sexual orientation, ability, neurodiversity, access requirements or religious beliefs
  • Attract and retain students and staff from a broad range of backgrounds and experiences through accessible and fair recruitment processes
  • Foster positive and informed attitudes and behaviour among all our community
  • Foster an understanding among our community that diversity leads to an innovative, productive and intellectually-stimulating learning environment
  • Provide an accessible environment for everyone, both in person and online
  • Seek feedback and regularly evaluate our equity, diversity and inclusion efforts

Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group is here to provide leadership, support and encouragement.

Equity and Access Scheme

We welcome and support applications from people in groups that are under-represented in higher education, people who face barriers in participating in higher education, and people whose circumstances have impacted their ability to meet our usual admission criteria.

Support through our Equity and Access Scheme includes:

  • Equity adjustments which may increase ranking for admission
  • Places reserved only for people applying under this scheme


You can apply based on one or more of the following:

  • Educational disadvantage due to historical cultural bias, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
  • Educational disruption
  • English language difficulty
  • Financial hardship
  • Home environment and responsibilities
  • Personal illness or disability
  • Refugee status
  • School environment

The Equity and Access Scheme is available to domestic students. Applications are considered on a case by case basis.

If you would like to apply through the Equity and Access Scheme, please contact a course advisor on 1800 039 139 or via email at [email protected] for further information.

Religious equity arrangements

We embrace the religious diversity of our community and recognize the importance of religious practices and obligations.

We support our community by supporting the management of religious requirements that might impact on attendance, assessments, or other activities.

For example, you may seek extensions for assessments due to clashes with religious obligations. For further information see Assessment Information.

Diversity & Inclusion

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

We strive to provide a culturally-safe environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, students and visitors. These include:

  • Commitment to contributing to and implementing the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) developed by our parent company and global education provider, Navitas
  • Equity and Access Scheme which supports applications from under-represented people, including reserved places for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) and professional psychology program courses
  • Acknowledgement of the Traditional Owners/Custodians at events, meetings and other gatherings of our learning and teaching community
Diversity & Inclusion

People living with disabilities

We are committed to ensuring that any student, staff member or visitor living with a disability has equitable access to what ACAP has to offer.

If you have a disability, illness, injury, health or mental health condition that impacts on your academic studies/work at ACAP, or

if you care for someone in these circumstances, then you may be eligible to register for additional assistance. We will work with you to provide practical, individualised support that will assist you to succeed with your studies/work at ACAP.

We also support neurodiversity including people living with ASD, ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia.

Academic adjustments are available through our AccessAbility Service and may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Assessment Extensions
  • Additional reading and/or writing time
  • Provision of a scribe or note taker
  • Specific software
  • Assistance with study skills
  • Notes or other material provided in different formats
  • Ergonomic furniture
Diversity & Inclusion


We strive to foster a supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environment for any LGBTQIA+ student, staff member or visitor.

To help us achieve this goal we have established a national ALLY network, to provide support and raise awareness of our LGBTQIA+ family.

We were the first private education provider to join Australia’s only national program for LGBTQIA+ workplace inclusion, Pride in Diversity (PID). We also support students who are considering or planning a gender transition or other changes, through a Gender Affirmation Plan.

  • Access to ALLY training for staff/students
  • An LGBTQIA+ ALLY network facebook support group
  • Gender-neutral toilets at most of our campus locations
  • Gender transition support
  • Participation in the Australian Workplace Equity Index
  • Recognition of days of significance
Diversity & Inclusion

ALLY Network

Each ACAP campus has an ALLY network that monitors and supports our equity, diversity and inclusion policy. Its purpose is to make our college a place where students, staff and visitors can feel safe to be their whole selves and realise their full potential.

ACAP is proud to be the first Independent Education Provider member of the Pride In Diversity network, the first and only national not-for-profit program supporting all aspects of LGBTQIA+ workplace inclusion.

We also welcome and support Transgender and Gender Diverse students and staff. If you are transgender, gender fluid, gender queer, non-binary or think you might not be cis-gender please join us at the Trans and Gender Diverse (TGD) students group. We're a social and support group and a safe space to talk about coming out, transitioning and being our best trans selves. For more information contact Rachel Joy (they/them), the ACAP Gender Diversity Champion.

To learn more about ACAP’s ALLY network, get in touch with us:

Inclusion in College materials

We represent our diverse community in all college materials, recognising the important role that representation plays in fostering inclusion.

Staff are committed to:

  • Use images that reflect the diversity of our population
  • Avoid images that always portray stereotypes
  • Use inclusive language in all communications
  • Use accessibility-friendly webpages, colours and images
Six people discussing with each other

A warm welcome to you

In my role as Chair of our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee – I would like to welcome you to ACAP.

As a College, we are committed to developing and strengthening our approach to inclusion so everyone in our community feels able to bring their whole selves to study and work.

I would encourage you to reach out to the Committee if you have any questions or feedback for us.

Rachel Joy

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee

meet the team

Rachel Joy

Dr Rachel Joy

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Chair/Gender Diversity Champion

Woman wearing glasses and smiling at the camera

Deb Gavan

LGBT Champion

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