Associate Degree of Criminal Justice
Associate Degree of Criminal Justice
Understand criminal behaviour
and the justice system
You're intrigued by criminal behaviour and want to know more about our justice system. Our Associate Degree of Criminal Justice gives you deep insight into why we think and act the way we do, and the impact our justice system has on people. Learn about criminal psychology, crime prevention, law enforcement, and corrections services.
This course has been accredited by ACAP under its self-accrediting authority.
What you'll learn
Expertise in human behaviour forms is the foundation of the Associate Degree of Criminal Justice.
An understanding of criminal behavior, crime prevention and social control
Criminal justice systems (and their relationship to the wider community)
Potential Careers
Once you graduate from the Associate Degree of Criminal Justice, you will open doors to a range of possible career opportunities. Listed below are a few typical roles you could consider.
Law Enforcement Officer
Court Registrar
Youth Justice Worker
Case Manager
Corrections Officer
Course structure
The Associate Degree of Criminal Justice course is made up of 16 core units, which are either level 100 or 200 units. To find out unit delivery information view the relevant Yearly Planner.
The course duration is 2 years full time or part time equivalent. For more information on the recommended course sequence click here.
Level: 100 level core
Credit points: 6
Prerequisites: None
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to the study of criminology and criminal justice. In doing so, it aims to develop students’ ability to perform successfully at tertiary level by addressing the skills applied to the context of social science, specifically to criminology and criminal justice. This unit also introduces students to the origins of the Australian Criminal Justice System and the formal functions of law enforcement, courts and correctional services.
This unit commences with an examination of core concepts central to the study of criminology and criminal justice. This includes introducing students to varying classifications and perspectives of justice, crime and criminality. Students will also explore the workings of the major institutions of the Australian criminal justice system. Throughout the unit, students will be introduced to the core skills and requirements when undertaking tertiary study, namely time management, utilising library resources effectively, academic writing style and referencing.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Pre-learning activities
- Post-learning activities
This unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial (via Zoom).
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The weekly individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 100 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: None
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to media representations of crime, criminal justice and society. It examines the influence of media and popular culture on attitudes and behaviours, and how the law intersects with media via attempts to moderate its effect. Interactions between media and political and economic factors are analysed, as are issues including ‘fake news’ and censorship. Throughout, real-world examples of media will be considered, including news broadcasts, television programs and films.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit the student should be able to:
- Discuss and compare forms of media and their effects on society
- Examine the effects of media consumption on society, including in relation to criminal behaviour and attitudes to justice
- Examine attempts to regulate media, including censorship
- Explain and contrast media representations of crime and criminal justice processes
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning
This unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial.
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 100 level core
Credit points: 6
Mode of delivery: On-campus and online
Pre-requisites: None
Unit Description
This is the first of three inquiry-driven, multidisciplinary units in our undergraduate courses, which build upon one another to introduce key academic skills and an understanding of critical concepts relevant to the professions and careers into which our graduates progress. It will introduce you to higher education study, including key knowledge about the nature of higher education and how to navigate it successfully. It will help you develop critical thinking and communication skills, including reading and evaluating sources of information, summarising them effectively, and communicating your understanding to others. We will examine interactions between our own and others’ personal cultural identities, how they shape our experience of relationships personally and professionally, and their implications for future study and career. Finally, it will ensure that you understand the concept of cultural safety both as it applies to higher education and the workplace. The unit lays the groundwork for all of your future studies and will help you understand both yourself and others better.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
a. Identify, summarise and communicate concepts from credible sources of information
b. Explain the role of culture, cultural identity and cultural influence in higher education and professional practice
c. Evaluate and apply theories and evidence related to culturally safe practices in professional practice
Unit workload:
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
The required text book for this unit can be found by viewing the textbook list by selecting the course and trimester at the following link:
Academic misconduct
Ethical conduct and academic integrity and honesty are fundamental to the mission of ACAP. Academic misconduct will not be tolerated by the college. Please refer to the Academic Misconduct Policy for full details.
Unit information may be subject to change prior to the teaching trimester commencing. Once term has commenced please review the Unit Outline in your class space to ensure your trimester study plan is correct.
Level: 100 level core
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: MULT1015 Applications in Context
Mode of delivery: On-campus and online
Unit Description:
Opening up possibilities for developing multidisciplinary knowledge and practice, ACAP draws on the four disciplines in the college to develop three integrative units that are core to first-year undergraduate courses and a postgraduate course. These inquiry-driven units lay the groundwork for engaging students with multidisciplinary thinking, discourse and initiative in their fields of endeavour and in their future profession.
This unit introduces the student to academic skills and reflective writing practices. The unit develops the student’s understanding of ethical practice across multiple disciplines. The human rights framework in Australia and its relation to ethics and ethical behaviour in professional practice is also explored.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
a. Demonstrate effective information literacy skills when identifying and assessing the credibility of sources
b. Demonstrate reflective thinking skills in constructing arguments about ethics in contemporary society and their value in their chosen profession
c. Describe, explain and reflect on the key parts of relevant professional codes of conduct and ethics and their role in professional life
d. Identify ethical dilemmas and apply ethical frameworks to guide practical decision making
e. Demonstrate a capacity for self-awareness and emerging reflective practices in personal and professional development
Unit workload:
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
Level: 100 level core
Credit Points: 6
Pre-requisites: MULT1015 Applications in Context
Mode of delivery: On-campus and online
Unit description:
Opening up possibilities for developing multidisciplinary knowledge and practice, ACAP draws on the 4 Disciplines in the College to develop three integrative units that are core to first-year Undergraduate courses. These inquiry-driven units lay the groundwork for engaging students with multidisciplinary thinking, discourse and initiative in their fields of endeavour and in their future profession/vocation.
This unit will introduce students the issues of sustainability on a personal, professional and community level. We will examine individual and group practices that can meet the needs of current generations without compromising our or future generations ability to meet their own needs through a transdisciplinary perspective. This will encompass evidence-based approaches to promoting sustainability in the context of study, professional work and within our communities. The unit provides students with an opportunity to explore, analyse and reflect on the contribution of human behaviour to the sustainability of individuals and communities, and apply this to their personal, educational and future professional lives.
Please note: There are slightly different expectations in MULT1035 for Graduate Certificate of Psychological (GCPS) Science students. If you are enrolled in the Graduate Certificate of Psychology there are modified versions of Learning Outcome [c], the Assessment 1b rubric, and the Assessment 2 rubric in the relevant sections below. If you are not enrolled in the Graduate Certificate of Psychological Science, you can ignore these sections.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
a. Define sustainability in personal, professional and community contexts (undergraduate)
b. Apply the principles of sustainability to personal, professional and community contexts (undergraduate)
c. Demonstrate how evidenced-based approaches can be used to take action to support sustainability (undergraduate)
Unit workload
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
Level: 100 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: None
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to contemporary issues surrounding the impact of social and cultural diversity on Australian society and the criminal justice system. The objective of this unit is to provide students with a sociological framework to inform their studies in criminal justice. This includes understandings of social and cultural diversity, and constructed norms, processes of socialisation, issues of inequity and the concept of intersectionality. Students will expand their understanding of the role of the media and popular culture and will examine the intersections of class, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexuality and mental health status. Students will then explore the historical and contemporary issues regarding the impact of cultural and social diversity on the Australian criminal justice system (CJS).
This unit will provide students with a theoretical framework in sociology that allows them to understand how the CJS and society interact in the Australian setting.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning
This unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial.
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 100 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: None
Unit Description:
Throughout the unit, students will examine the historical and social contexts within which criminological theories have arisen, as well as their current relevance to the Australian criminal justice system and society.
The unit commences by introducing students to the broader perspectives and orientations within which criminological theories are situated. Following an introduction to these foundational concepts, students will then examine major criminological theories, beginning with classicism, positivism and social theories. Labelling perspectives will then be introduced, and the sociological origins of these models explored. The final major theoretical areas to be outlined are the conflict and radical perspectives, Marxist and feminist perspectives. The critical ideas inherent in these models will be used to analyse the assumptions of previously analysed theories. The contemporary perspectives of new right criminology and left realism will also be examined, and the subject will conclude by examining the optimistic approach and initiatives espoused by republican theory, and critical criminology’s post-modern and structuralist approaches.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the major theoretical perspectives within criminology
- Explain the contemporary relevance of criminological theories to the Australian criminal justice system
- Understand and apply key concepts and terms within criminology
- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of criminological theories
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning
Depending on the delivery mode, this unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial via Zoom.
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including assessments, lecture and tutorial preparation, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 100 level core
Credit points: 6
Prerequisites: None
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to the study of ethics, including key ethical theories and their application to society and areas of law and criminal justice. The unit commences by defining ethics and examining the key theories of ethics, including deontological and teleological approaches. Students will then apply these approaches to society and the law by considering the nature of, and debates surrounding, matters such as life and death (e.g. euthanasia), honesty and sex.
The unit then considers the ethical obligations and guidelines associated with criminal justice professions. Specifically, the codes of conduct applied to police, the judiciary and legal professionals, and correctional officers will be considered, along with the ethical dilemmas such professions encounter.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning
Depending on the delivery mode, this unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial (via Zoom)
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
* Note: This course runs over two years (1 year and 4 months in total)
Level: 200 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: 4x Level 100 units
Unit Description:
This unit encourages students to think critically about criminal justice issues and how they manifest in the experiences of those who come into contact with criminal justice systems. On completing this unit students will have a broader understanding of contemporary criminal justice issues and be able to critically engage in debates that question its effectiveness and role in a changing society.
This unit introduces students to a range of critiques that arise in the context of criminal justice in action. It examines how relationships of power manifest within criminal justice systems, including how these impact on what behaviours are defined as criminal and whether justice is applied universally. It takes a critical look at the effectiveness of traditional criminal justice, including the sustainability of current imprisonment practices. This unit considers some innovative forms of justice that have arisen in both international and Australian contexts, and the emergence of justice reinvestment as a principle. The unit concludes by critically examining some contemporary challenges to criminal justice in Australia.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit the student should be able to:
- Evaluate the effectiveness of traditional criminal justice processes and institutions, including juries and prisons
- Examine the nature and impact of societal changes on the criminal justice system
- Demonstrate knowledge of the various drivers of criminal justice policy and practice, including political, economic, and social factors
- Analyse non-traditional approaches to criminal justice, including restorative justice and justice reinvestment
- Demonstrate knowledge of the informal functions of law enforcement, court and correctional systems
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning
Depending on the delivery mode, this unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial (via Zoom)
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 200 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of any four 100 level units
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to issues related to substance use and dependency, drug-related crime, and the effects of these on criminal justice and society.
The unit commences by providing students with an understanding of key terms and substances before embarking on an historical examination of drugs, drug use and drug control. The unit will then outline the nature and extent of drug use and dependency in Australian society, especially as it pertains to vulnerable populations including Indigenous Australians and youth, as well as the causes of use. The unit will then address the link between drug use and other criminal behaviours, including organised crime.
The unit analyses a range of policies to reduce drug use and its related issues including supply reduction, demand reduction and harm minimisation approaches. Specific initiatives examined include diversion strategies, needle exchange programs, drug courts, education programs and injecting facilities. Further examination will be made in the context of the criminal justice system, including the involvement of police, courts and corrections. The unit concludes by considering the influence of the internet on the illicit drug market and assessing future trends.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit the student should be able to:
- Examine key issues relating to licit and illicit substance use in Australian society
- Demonstrate knowledge of the various factors that inform the drug debate and shape drug policy, such as historical, health, political and societal influences
- Examine the association between substance use and anti-social behaviours, including criminal offending
- Analyse attempts by authorities to prevent or reduce substance use and abuse and the difficulties encountered by authorities when attempting to do so
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Pre-learning activities
- Post-learning activities
This unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial (via Zoom).
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The weekly individual workload of this unit will be around 9 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 200 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of any four 100 level units
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to the study of crime prevention strategies and the analysis of techniques and theories used in crime prevention programs. In doing so, the unit examines the key approaches and theories within the crime prevention field, including the situational, developmental, social, and crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) approaches. Specific techniques of prevention associated with each approach are analysed, as are weaknesses and critiques. The unit will also engage students in the application of crime prevention theories, with specific contexts and offence-types considered. In doing so, the unit will demonstrate the differences between crime prevention and crime control. The unit concludes with a consideration of the future directions of crime prevention.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning.
This unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial.
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 200 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of any four 100 level units
Unit Description:
Penology is the study of punishment. This unit introduces students to the issues involved in approaches to sentencing and punishment, rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders. This unit will provide introductory knowledge and critical insights into the theories and practices of punishment, correctional ideologies and practices and prison privatisation. Emphasis will also be placed on the question of whether prisons effectively rehabilitate offenders, prisoner rights and alternatives to imprisonment and punitive processes.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
a. Examine sentencing purposes and considerations
b. Apply knowledge of the historical, philosophical and social aspects of correctional systems
c. Analyse concepts of punishment and rehabilitation in custodial and non-custodial settings.
d. Communicate in a professional manner.
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning.
This unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial.
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 200 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of any four 100 level units
Unit Description:
This unit extends students’ understanding of criminology and criminal justice by introducing them to the field of comparative criminology. The unit commences with an explanation of the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of comparative criminology, including its aims, benefits and key methodological approaches. It then introduces students to the different major legal traditions by comparing the common law/adversarial system with the civil law/inquisitorial and Islamic systems of justice.
Throughout the unit, students will be exposed to the similarities and differences between criminal justice agencies and processes across national jurisdictions. This will include examinations of law enforcement, types of punishment, imprisonment, and youth justice. These analyses will be interspersed with case studies of different nations from across the world. Case studies will provide students with an understanding of the similarities criminal justice systems share, as well as their differences. Case studies will also involve analysis of the various factors that influence crime in different societies and the development of criminal justice systems and processes, including history, culture, politics, and economics. Indigenous justice practices of justice will also be examined, including consideration of the extent to which such practices are integrated within broader justice systems.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the aims and benefits of comparative criminology
- Analyse the nature and causes of crime across societies
- Examine the influence of various factors, including history, culture and politics, on the development of different criminal justice systems and processes
- Analyse the similarities and differences of criminal justice systems across different jurisdictions
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning
This unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial.
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 200 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of any four 100 level units
Unit Description:
This unit develops students’ understanding of Indigenous populations and the crime and criminal justice issues they face. In doing so, it examines the histories and justice processes of Indigenous populations prior to and following western colonisation and the impact of western colonisation on Indigenous peoples. The unit will analyse the reasons underlying Indigenous over-representation in the criminal justice system, as well as the treatment of Indigenous people by government and criminal justice agencies, such as police. This analysis will include consideration of Indigenous offending and victimisation and official responses to crime in Indigenous communities. The unit will also consider attempts to resolve the issues faced by Indigenous populations, including reconciliation and treaty.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of pre-settler Indigenous Australian cultures
- Analyse the impacts of colonialism on Indigenous populations in historical and contemporary contexts
- Compare Indigenous and non-Indigenous legal and justice processes
- Examine critically the nature and effects of western criminal justice policies and practices in relation to Indigenous people in Australia
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning
Depending on the delivery mode, this unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial.
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 200 level core
Credit points: 6
Prerequisites: Successful completion of any four 100 level units
Unit Description:
This unit engages students in criminological research by introducing them to social science research methods. It examines the nature and use of quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods and how these are utilised within criminology. In undertaking applied criminology, students will examine the validity of data, including crime statistics, as well as formulate a topic that will form the basis of three written tasks.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit the student should be able to:
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning
Depending on the delivery mode, this unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
Level: 200 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: 4x Level 100 units
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to the various forms of transnational crime and its effects on domestic and global environment. The unit commences by introducing students to the concept of transnational crime and by defining and distinguishing the various offences that are classified under this concept. The global context in which these activities occur will be identified, with specific attention paid to globalisation and modernisation processes. Students will also be introduced to the broader contexts and impacts of these activities, including the social, legal, economic and political arenas via examination of transnational organised crime as a threat to national and global security.
The unit will examine the main forms of transnational crime, focusing on illegitimate economies and ‘black market’ trade. Key offences examined include illegal trade of: arms; licit and illicit substances; and human beings. Environmental harms, cyber-offences, maritime piracy and terrorism will also be examined. Throughout, students will analyse the roles played by organised criminal networks and official corruption in relation to the commission and facilitation of transnational offences.
The unit will critically examine attempts by governments and domestic and global agencies to combat transnational crime, including legislative and enforcement strategies. Students will analyse the effectiveness of governmental and agency attempts to combat transnational crime, with particular attention paid to the difficulties encountered. The unit will conclude by considering future trends in the area of transnational crime.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this subject the student should be able to:
Learning and Teaching Process:
This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
- Lectures and critical discussion
- Tutorials and skill development activities
- Online pre-learning activities
- Online post-learning
Depending on the delivery mode, this unit’s content is delivered to students via a weekly 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial.
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total individual workload of this unit will be around 72 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and reading).
View unit descriptions
Course Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of crime, deviance, and justice, including key causes and effects, criminal justice approaches, the practices of criminal justice agencies, and wider factors that impact on crime and justice including diversity, inequality, and globalisation.
- Synthesise knowledge to examine approaches to crime and criminal justice to propose solutions that will generate positive change.
- Analyse the various impacts of criminal and deviant behaviours.
- Demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills appropriate to the criminal justice field.
- Apply initiative and judgement in planning, problem solving and decision making in criminal justice and academic settings.
- Independently, and as part of teams, undertake learning and assessment in a responsible and accountable manner.
Pathways for future study
The Associate Degree of Criminal Justice is a pathway for students exiting the Bachelor program (irrespective of reason) while enabling graduation with an AQF qualification. It requires successful completion of the first four trimesters of the six-trimester Bachelor of Criminology and Justice. With full-time enrolment, the Associate Degree of Criminal Justice is completed in one year and four months, rather than in two years.