Textbooks and Course Materials

Illustration of people at a computer

Most units will require you to work with a recommended or designated textbook. You may wish to purchase the textbook or alternatively, a number of textbooks are available as ebooks through the library. These ebooks can be accessed online at no additional cost by students with a current enrolment. Students are encouraged to check the eTextbook guide to see which texts are available. Note that publisher-set limitations may apply to ebooks regarding printing of content, offline availability, or number of simultaneous users.

Click the links below to view the textbooks for your course. For students studying multi-discipline courses, please check each relevant list.

Trimester 1, 2025




Purchasing Textbooks

Please refer to the Library page for information about purchasing textbooks.

Additionally, most local bookstores should be able to special order textbooks, if you supply them with the ISBN.
Many electronic textbooks can be purchased through VitalSource or other eBook platforms.

Note for Cengage eBooks: ACAP does not currently support the MindTap platform. Please do not purchase MindTap versions of these textbooks.




APA7 Referencing Guide

Many of your units and courses will require you to become proficient in APA7-style referencing. A helpful free guide with examples is available via the Library website, however some students may also wish to consult the in-depth official guide produced by the American Psychological Association. Limited numbers of print copies are available in campus libraries, or can alternatively be purchased from the book retailer of your choice.

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