Join over 22,000 graduates who’ve achieved their goals with ACAP.







Woman in black jacket smiling facing front
Studying the Graduate Certificate of Applied Coaching was life changing for me. It played a significant role in my decision to fully invest my time and energy into my new coaching business, stepping away from my safe, secure and successful senior public service job. This was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Natalie, Graduate Certificate of Applied Coaching
Female coaching student Monica sitting in ACAP Sydney campus - close up profile shot
“Life is all about lessons and learning and experiences, and coupling that with ACAP and an accreditation, it's the synergy for success." Monica, Graduate Certificate of Applied Coaching
People working in ia co-working space
ACAP’s coaching course has been extremely useful for me to support my team’s growth and development. From the first class I attended, I found it to be really engaging and practical. The content from this course will also help me once I graduate as I plan to develop my own coaching consultancy business which will focus on leadership development within high-growth technology start-ups. Kieran, Graduate Certificate of Applied Coaching
Two women talking in front of a window
I realised that coaching is a complex area with great responsibility so I researched study options that would support my own performance and self-awareness. I chose ACAP as I found they had a great reputation and the course leader's background and experience appealed to me. Tina, Graduate Certificate of Applied Coaching







Maria, Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Pursuing further education to enrich my career brought much excitement and trepidation. The course structure, lecturers, and tutors, as well as the learning and application towards skill development has all been A-class! Maria, Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Chabala, Bachelor of Psychological Science and Counselling alumni
Studying at ACAP has been a unique experience. The prospect of switching careers initially seemed daunting, but ACAP's staff provided a level of support that was truly fantastic. The lecturers, tutors, and student support are always eager to assist and genuinely want their students to succeed. I appreciate that ACAP offers a good balance of theory and practical skills, which prepares students well for their future careers. Chabala, Bachelor of Psychological Science and Counselling
Marcelle, Bachelor of Counselling
Because of the real-world work experience I gained through studying Counselling at ACAP, I have an amazing job working in animal and natural therapy. Marcelle, Bachelor of Counselling
Stephanie Huang smiles at camera, with hand to face.
"I chose to study my Masters at ACAP because it had a great reputation, and I knew that they were able to offer me a flexible study option, as well as really set me up for entering the workforce.” Stephanie, Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Alnanoof, Graduate Diploma of Counselling
ACAP is a very friendly environment, and I like that the new skills I am learning are helpful to have in everyday life. The practical component was definitely the selling point for me. I love the method of group work and discussion in class. Working together helps us to understand the concepts better. Alnanoof, Graduate Diploma of Counselling
A headshot of a woman in front of a brick wall.
The biggest surprise for me really has been the awesome friendships I have forged with my fellow students at the Byron Bay campus. Allegra, Bachelor of Counselling
Mature blonde woman with yellow jacket and scarf
Having teachers who are practitioners in the field gives a marriage of academic rigour with practical exposure. They can share case studies from real life that are happening at the moment. Caitlin, Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Female counselling and psychotherapy student Mahalia sitting at ACAP Sydney campus - close up profile shot
"… having the flexibility to do the hybrid delivery through ACAP meant I could experience being on campus, but also do a lot of studying from my home, which really helped me thrive." Mahalia, Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Man with beard in orange shirt smiling at camera
It was a very supportive, open and friendly environment at ACAP. The classes were comprehensive and highly interactive, both theoretical and practical. Gus, Bachelor of Counselling
Woman with hair out smiling to camera
I decided to study at ACAP because a friend of mine who had completed her studies with ACAP had amazing things to say about her experience. I am so glad I did as now I would recommend ACAP to others. The placement component in particular is enriching and manageable, unlike what is offered at some other universities. Dana, Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy







Aimee, Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
Through my studies at ACAP, I have really engaged in critical thinking as I have learnt that the reasons and circumstances for people committing crime isn’t so straightforward - not everything is as it seems with crime! The educators at ACAP have a really fun way of teaching students in this interesting and critical field, and I find their methodology is a fantastic way to retain information. Aimee, Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
Woman in nature smiling
The beginning of anything can feel daunting, but the resources and support at ACAP are like no other university. ACAP educators are knowledgeable and experienced, and throughout my studies at ACAP I have felt supported and inspired. Jackie, Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
Kyle Stokes
I found ACAP to be exceptional in terms of the way the course was structured. Being able to fast track the degree made a big difference! Initially I was accepted into another university in Melbourne and was deciding between that and ACAP. I am so glad I chose ACAP as there is so much support and career progression opportunities. Kyle, Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
Male criminology and justice student Lewis standing in ACAP Sydney campus
"The flexibility of online classes at ACAP was huge for me. While I was working, I was still able to do the evening classes and I found the lecturers to be highly responsive." Lewis, Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
Bachelor of Psychological Science
The best thing about studying was the teachers - their delivery is amazing. I wasn't expecting the classes to be so supportive and interactive but was pleasantly surprised. Natasha, Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
Bethany, Bachelor of Counselling
There was so much one-on-one time with lecturers, they really wanted to make sure we succeeded. Bethany, Bachelor of Psychological Science & Criminology







Jess, Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice alumni
I couldn’t recommend ACAP’s PLT course highly enough. It prepares you well for everyday tasks as a lawyer, it is a flexible program (self-paced and online), efficient time-frame and excellent support from staff. The practicality of the tasks was excellent and prepared me very well for legal practice. Jess, Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
I chose to study the new ACAP Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (GDLP) course because of ACAP’s partnership with the Law Institute of Victoria. I felt that the partnership would provide ACAP with a great deal of industry knowledge and connections. ACAP has a good reputation and was recommended by people I know in other fields, which helped me make my decision. As I worked and volunteered 5 days a week, the flexibility that this course provided was essential. Sarah, Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
The best thing about studying at ACAP was the great course leader and mentor, and their innovative approach to teaching. ACAP is more than an educational institution—it's a community of professionals dedicated to your academic and professional growth. I found my journey at ACAP immensely rewarding. Sean, Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
The ACAP and LIV PLT course taught me valuable skills which I will undoubtedly continue to use throughout my legal career. The unwavering support and guidance provided by the faculty created an environment where I felt empowered to explore, learn, and grow as a legal professional. The practical focus of the course proved to be immensely helpful as it provided me with hands-on experience and real-world skills that directly contributed to my success in starting my legal graduate job. Anastasia, Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
Being fresh out of university, I was stressed and cautious about my next move. I wanted to ensure that I picked the right PLT course that would have a long-term benefit and my first impression was to look at the PLT courses that were there were established longer as I assumed it would be ‘better’. My only advice is “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” I felt like I was taking a risk choosing ACAP, but it was the best decision I had made. Sharon, Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
GDLP alumni Kristen O'Reilly standing outside the Supreme Court
I chose ACAP's GDLP for my Practical Legal Training to prepare for admission to practice law. ACAP's innovative approach to PLT in Victoria, well-supported online learning, and key partnership with the Law Institute of Victoria made it the perfect choice! Kristen, Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice







Jo Hlavaty MBA Alumni
With the knowledge I gained from the MBA, I have been given one promotion and have been nominated for another within a year of each other. The MBA has created knowledge acceleration into the inner world of business strategy and innovation leading to a career that keeps me ahead of competitors. Jo Hlavaty, Master of Business Administration
Jerram Fairclough, Master of Business Administration profile photo
I've thoroughly enjoyed how the MBA course content aligns with my job as a Business Development Manager. There's a great level of practically in the units delivered, which I have been able to easily transfer and implement in my role. Jerram Fairclough, Master of Business Administration
Brooke Pearce, Master of Business Administration
My MBA journey through ACAP has sharpened my analytical and critical thinking abilities, enabling me to make informed decisions and solve business problems effectively. I’ve also gained insights into leadership styles and techniques through case studies, group projects, and leadership subjects, which have been crucial in managing teams and driving organisational success. Brooke Pearce, Master of Business Administration







Arlene, Bachelor of Psychological Science and Counselling
ACAP is unique with the level of support it provides its students; both for students straight out of high school and those re-entering education. Arlene, Bachelor of Psychological Science and Counselling
Monique, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
ACAP staff have continued to motivate me throughout my academic career, and key ACAP lecturers inspired me to study an Honours degree. They are world-class. Monique, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
I’ve always been interested in human behaviour, personality differences and the abnormal psychology topics we hear about in popular culture. I began my study at a mainstream university, but their timetable didn’t support my part-time requirements. ACAP’s blended learning was perfect so I could manage content at my own pace. I also wouldn’t have been comfortable asking those ‘stupid questions’ in a massive lecture theatre. ACAP’s smaller classes gave me all the confidence I needed. Neil, Bachelor of Psychological Science
Group of people lined up
The academic and clinical staff have extensive experience in a variety of areas, so we get a diverse perspective on theoretical approaches and career prospects. The clinical placements are in a variety of settings, so there is an amazing opportunity to experience working with interesting and complex clients. Lara, Master of Psychology (Clinical)
George, Graduate Diploma of Psychological Science
I was drawn to studying at ACAP because of my interest in helping and understanding people. I had previously studied Economics and Law. The best thing about ACAP is that it's flexible, inclusive and supportive. George, Graduate Diploma of Psychological Science
Jason, Bachelor of Counselling
ACAP have incredible academics that take the time to home in on what you want to achieve in your career. Jason, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
Kareem, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
At ACAP I have benefited from so many valuable experiences. I feel that there is a genuine involvement with student learning which has helped me on my way to achieve my goal of a Clinical Psychology Masters. Kareem, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
Young woman in purple shirt smiling
Experience is key to learning especially in a field like psychology. Exposure through placements has been the most important part of my learning process and motivation for further study. Jazz, Graduate Diploma of Psychological Science
Middle Eastern student smiling at camera
With small class sizes, ACAP is more like a family environment - a community. You won't be forgotten and the teachers pay attention to what you're doing. They give you the time and space you need to learn and succeed. Aranya, Graduate Diploma of Psychological Science
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I am passionate about helping prison officers with PTSD. ACAP helped me pursue my passion. Tammy, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
Chabala, Bachelor of Psychological Science and Counselling alumni
Studying at ACAP has been a unique experience. The prospect of switching careers initially seemed daunting, but ACAP's staff provided a level of support that was truly fantastic. The lecturers, tutors, and student support are always eager to assist and genuinely want their students to succeed. I appreciate that ACAP offers a good balance of theory and practical skills, which prepares students well for their future careers. Chabala, Bachelor of Psychological Science and Counselling







Menaka, Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
Studying the Master of Social Work (Qualifying) at ACAP has been transformative. The comprehensive curriculum, combining theory with hands-on practice, has equipped me with essential skills for a career in social work. The dedicated faculty, small class sizes, and supportive learning environment have greatly enhanced my educational experience. ACAP's emphasis on real-world placements has provided invaluable professional exposure, preparing me to address complex social issues effectively. I highly recommend ACAP for its exceptional commitment to student success and professional development in the field of social work. Menaka, Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
Alice, Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
I began my bachelor's degree at a larger university, where I had a really negative experience with lectures of around 300 people, feeling very disempowered, alienated and disenfranchised from the university experience. I came across ACAP and the thing that drew me in was the intimate classes where you really build relationships with not just your colleagues and peers, but your lecturers and professors as well. Alice, Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
Prakriti, Master of Social Work (Qualifying) alumni
I am so glad to be part of ACAP. Whenever I am in doubt or study pressure, I immediately open the Student Portal as it has everything I need. There is so much support at ACAP. Prakriti, Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
Young male smiling
There are so many options, so many different things you can do with a social work degree that many other degrees do not offer. Mitchell, Bachelor of Social Work
Student with glasses
There is a lot of advanced level learning at ACAP. This, paired with the unique experiences of educators has helped me to build cultural intelligence and critical analysis. I want to get involved in macro levels of social work and influence policies in the human services sector. Studying at ACAP has opened my mind to the possibilities and pathways to reach my goals. Nageena, Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
Female social work student Maria sitting at ACAP Sydney campus - close up profile shot
“I’ve now finished my degree, so the future is looking bright! I can’t thank the lecturers at ACAP enough, they were so knowledgeable and supportive, I couldn’t have come first in my class without them." Maria, Bachelor of Social Work
Asian woman with hair down , blue jumper and necklace
The lecturers really value your participation, and the smaller classes give a more personalised experience. Josephine, Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
Rasleen, Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
From the first interaction with ACAP, I have had a positive experience. Educators have been incredible, the course has been so flexible and interesting, and the one-on-one support has been invaluable. Rasleen, Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
Michal-Mary, Bachelor of Counselling
I have seen how far I have come since starting at ACAP. I have relished every moment in class and studying. Michael-Mary, Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
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After my ACAP student placement I was offered a choice of two positions. I really love the job I chose. I wouldn’t have had this opportunity without ACAP. Anu, Master of Social Work (Qualifying)

Degrees of Difference

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