Inherent Requirements


The statements below specify the course requirements of the Master of Professional Psychology for student admission and progression. The statements are clustered under eight domains consisting of ethical behaviour, behavioural stability, legal, communication, cognition, relational skills, reflective skills and sustainable performance.

Many of the activities associated with the professional practice of a registered psychologist are time sensitive, where the capacity to perform certain activities within specified time limits is required to reduce or avoid risks to patient safety and wellbeing. The safety and wellbeing of you and others is always of paramount importance. They should be read in conjunction with other course information, the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council Rules and Standards, and the codes, guidelines and policies of the PsyBA.

What is it like to do this course?

It may be helpful for you to understand what it is like to complete the Master of Professional Psychology, which includes both coursework and placement components. Further information about the course is available in the course guide and we recommend you familiarise yourself with the information there.

What about when I finish my course?

Successfully completing the course enables you to apply to the Psychology Board of Australia to undertake a further period of supervised practice, continuing professional development, and completion of the National Psychology Exam, known as the sixth year internship, which is required to achieve registration as a psychologist. As you commence your studies you may also find it helpful to familiarise yourself with any requirements to work in a professional capacity as a registered psychologist to assess your suitability for such a role following graduation.

Inherent requirements domains

There are nine domains of inherent requirements in the Master of Professional Psychology.

  • Ethical behaviour
  • Behavioural stability
  • Legal compliance
  • Communication
  • Cognition
  • Relational skills
  • Reflective skills
  • Sensory abilities
  • Sustainable performance

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