There's a lot to smile about when

ACAP’s criminology courses can lead you to various fulfilling career paths. From Youth Justice Worker to Corrections Officer, the possibilities are endless with a qualification in criminology. Find out about typical occupations and salaries below, based on industry data.


From working in investigative services as part of the federal police, to being on the frontline of criminal justice as a court reporter, your criminology degree could take you in any number of directions. With a projected national job growth of 18.9 per cent through to 2026 (Labour Market Insights), social professionals including human behaviour experts are in demand. Find out about typical occupations and salaries below, based on industry data.
Role Title/Average Salary Role Title/Average Salary
Border Force: $55,000- $70,000^ Court Registrar: $128,184*
Court Reporter: $52,500** Corrections Officer: $65,000- $80,000^
Community Support Worker: $55,000- $65,000^ Case Manager: $83,893~
Investigator: $95,000-$105,000~ Intelligence: $109,976*
Federal Police: $82,893~ Law Clerk: $60,000- $80,000^
Paralegal: $60,000- $80,000^ Parole Officer: $86,040~
Protection Officer: $75,000- $95,000^ Sheriff: $76,262*
State Police: $74,039* Youth Justice Worker: $60,000- $70,000^
A group of five students studying psychology, sitting around a table with notebooks

Sectors you could work in

There were 68,000 police in Australia in 2020. The number of workers has grown strongly over the past five years. This growth is expected to continue over the next five years and reach 73,200 by 2025.

  • Addiction and Substance Abuse
  • Child, Adolescence and Families
  • Community Support
  • Crisis Support
  • Grief and Bereavement
  • Group Work
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Trauma Support

Data Sources For Indicated Salaries (sourced January 2023)

* Talent      **Payscale     ^ Seek           ~ Indeed           _ SalaryExpert

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