Andrew has been lecturing on psychology since 2015 in a range of roles across Australia. He has a keen interest in: research methods and statistics; organisational psychology; social psychology; community psychology; and environmental psychology.
Having completed his PhD on Understanding Community and Preparedness: Moving towards Wildfire Prepared Individuals in 2020 Andrew is looking to grow his research profile in relation to disaster risk and recovery research. Andrew also has a strong interest in the scholarship of teaching and learning and environmental psychology generally. Additionally, Andrew is working on some projects on diversity and inclusion in organisational settings with collaborators from RMIT and Flinders universities.
Teaching / coordination responsibilities
Please include specific courses and / or unit responsibilities
UC – PSYC3112/ 5322 T2 forwards
UC – PSYC2142 T2
Lecturer/Tutor – Perth campus classes
Disaster risk and recovery
Organisational psychology
Research and scholarship
- Australian Postgraduate Award and Top-up Scholarship
- Bushfire Co-operative Research Centre Research Scholarship
Conference Presentations
- Andrei, D., Griffin, M. A., Chapman, A., & Talati, Z. (2014) The “Status of safety”: A cross-cultural investigation of safety risks, practices, and beliefs in the mining sector in seven developing countries. Paper presented at 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, July, Paris, France.
- Chapman, A., Dunlop, P., McNeill, I., Griffin, M., Morrison, D. (2014). A Meta-Analysis of the Differential Relationships between PE-fit and Performance. Paper presented at 29th Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology, May, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Chapman, A., Dunlop, P., McNeill, I., Griffin, M., Morrison, D. (2014). The state of Wildfire Research: Integrating Relevant Theories From I-O Psychology. Paper presented at 2013 research advisory forum of the Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre, November, Perth, Australia.
- Chapman, A., Dunlop, P., McNeill, I., Griffin, M., Morrison, D. (2014). Understanding Community and Preparedness: Building Towards Bushfire Prepared Individuals. Paper presented at 2013 conference of the Australasian Fire Authorities Council, September, Melbourne, Australia.
- Chapman, A., Dunlop, P., McNeill, I., Griffin, M., Morrison, D. (2020). Person environment fit and misfit as predictors of individual wildfire preparedness. Paper presented at the 2019 conference of the Australasian Fire Authorities Council, September, Melbourne, Australia.
- Garret-Reed, D., Chapman, A., Howell, J., & Castell, E. (2019) An investigation of “active” iLecture use in Undergraduate Psychology. Paper presented at the 2019 WA Teaching and Learning Forum. Perth, Western Australia
HDR Research Supervision
2020 – 8 fourth year students supervised to completion
2019 – 9 fourth year students supervised to completion
2018 – 4 fourth year students supervised to completion
Professional registrations or accreditation
- SHL Occupational Testing Accreditation
- SHL OPQ/UCF Interpretation Accreditation
- Saville Module 1 and 2 Accreditation
- Eligible for APS membership and general registration as a psychologist