Professor Annie Venville

Professor Annie Venville

Discipline Chair of Social Work


PhD La Trobe University, Australia
Graduate Diploma, Health Research La Trobe University, Australia
Graduate Diploma, Teaching P-12 La Trobe University, Australia
Master of Rehabilitation Counselling University of Sydney, Australia
Bachelor of Social Work University of Melbourne, Australia
Bachelor of Behavioural Science La Trobe University, Australia
Professor Annie Venville is Chair of Social Work at ACAP. She is an experienced social work practitioner, academic leader, educator, and researcher. Over the course of her career she has established a reputation for innovation and collaboration, across the government, non-government, health, and education sectors.

She is known for her ability to lead high functioning teams, develop effective and robust relationships with colleagues and industry partners, and facilitate cross sector/faculty teaching and research partnerships. Annie’s grant and publication record profiles successful research partnerships exploring issues related to mental health, education, participation and social justice.

Expert Comment Topics

  • Mental health
  • Disability
  • Diversity and inclusive teaching practices
  • Social inclusion and connection
  • Social work education
  • Qualitative research methodologies
"I have a deep respect for ACAP’s vision. Their aim to build knowledge that's useful, usable, and applicable to real-life solutions and real-world change resonates strongly with my personal and professional commitment to prepare social work students to actively contribute to a just and sustainable world."

ORCID ID profile URL

Professional Affiliations and Fellowships

Member of the Australian Association of Social Workers

Funded Research

  •  Supporting tertiary students with disabilities: Individualised and institution-level approaches in practice
  • Unfinished business: student perspectives on disclosure of mental illness and success in VET


Venville, A., O’Connor, S., Roeschlein, H., Ennals, P., McLoughlan, G., & Thomas, N. (2021). Mental health service user and worker experience of psychosocial support via telehealth through the COVID19 pandemic: A qualitative study. JMIR Ment Health 2021;8(8):e29671

doi: 10.2196/29671PMID: 34182461PMCID: 8362804

Booth, S & Venville, A. (2021) Enhancing Access to Income Support for Vulnerable Hospital Patients, Australian Social Work,      

Venville, A., Willis, K., Adler, V., Kostecki, T., & Rollins, W. (2021). Staying connected during a global pandemic: Telephone support for vulnerable populations. Australian Social Work

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