Professor Kathryn Nicholson Perry
Associate Dean, Learning and TeachingQualifications
PhD (University of Sydney)
MSc (Clinical Psychology) (University of London)
BSc (Applied Psychology) (University of Wales College of Cardiff)
Kathryn is the Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching and previously held the position of Chair of Discipline for Psychological Science. She joined ACAP in 2014 when she was primarily involved with the Professional Psychology programs. She was previously a Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Sydney where she had particular responsibility for placements of students undertaking the Master of Psychology program.
Kathryn completed her undergraduate studies in applied psychology at the University of Wales, College of Cardiff and her clinical psychology training at the Institute of Psychiatry in London. She completed her PhD in the Faculty of Medicine, University Sydney on the utility of the biopsychosocial model in spinal cord injury (SCI) pain and its management. She has worked in both clinical and research roles in the area of clinical health psychology in both the UK and Australia. Kathryn has also been the NSW State Chair and National Deputy Chair of the Australian Psychological Society College of Clinical Psychologists, and is currently the National Education Liaison representative on the College National Committee.
Kathryn’s primary research interests lie in health, disability and rehabilitation. She is particularly interested in pain, particularly the prevention and treatment of chronic pain, and finding new ways to deliver such treatments. In addition, she is interested in topics related to the training of psychologists, including assessment of provisional psychologists undertaking placements.
Find out more at ResearchGate
- Coordinator of PSYC5012 Communication, Counselling and Culture
- Coordinator of PSYC6022 Research Project 2, PSYC6042 Research Project 3 and PSYC6062 Research Project 4
Expert Comment Topics
Journal Articles
- Marlowe, N. I., Nicholson Perry, K., & Lee, J. (2020). Ontological insecurity II: Relationship to attachment, childhood trauma, and subclinical psychotic-like experiences. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76(3), 440-460.
- Marlowe, N. I., Nicholson Perry, K., & Lee, J. (2020). Ontological insecurity I: Psychometric development of a new measure and relationship to subclinical psychotic-like experiences. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76(3), 423-439.
- Brown, C., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2018). Cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders: how do clinician characteristics impact on treatment fidelity? Journal of Eating Disorders, 6(19).
- Dear, B., Nicholson Perry, K., Siddall, P., Middleton, J. W., Johnson, J., Katte, L., Monypenny, F., Karin, E., Gandy, M, & Titov, N. (2018). Exploring the feasibility of an Internet-Delivered Pain Management Program for adults with spinal cord injury (SCI) Spinal Cord, 56(10), 931 939.
- Varathakeyan, A., McDonald, F. E. J., Patterson, P., Nicholson Perry, K., & Allison, K. R. (2018). Accessing support before or after a parent dies from cancer and young people’s current wellbeing. Supportive Care in Cancer, 26(3), 797 – 805.
- Craig, A., Guest, R., Tran, Y., Nicholson Perry, K., & Middleton, J. (2017). Pain castastrophizing and negative mood states following spinal cord injury: transitioning from inpatient rehabilitation into the community. The Journal of Pain, 18(7), 800-810.
- Nicholson Perry, K., Donovan, M., Knight, R., & Shires, A. (2017). Addressing professional competency problems in clinical psychology trainees. A survey of current practices in Australia and New Zealand. Australian Psychologist, 52, 121-129.
- Carlson, P., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2017). Psychological interventions for psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: A meta-analysis. Seizure, 45, 142-150.
- Gandy, M., Fogliati, V. J., Terides, M. D., Johnston, L., Nicholson Perry, K., Newall, C., Titov, N., & Dear, B. F. (2016). Short message service prompts for skills practice in Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic pain – are they feasible and effective? European Journal of Pain, 20(8), 1288-1298.
- Craig, A., Nicholson Perry, K., Guest, R., Tran, Y., Dezarnaulds, A., Hales, A., Ephraums, C., & Middleton, J. (2015). Prospective study of the occurrence of psychological disorders and comorbidities after spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96(8), 1426-1434.
- Craig, A., Nicholson Perry, K., Guest, R., Tran, Y., & Middleton, J. (2015). Adjustment following chronic spinal cord injury: determining factors that contribute to social participation. British Journal of Health Psychology, 20(4), 807 – 823.
- Gandy, M., Sharpe, L., Nicholson Perry, K., Miller, L., Thayer, Z., Boserio, J., & Mohamed, A. (2015). Anxiety in epilepsy: a neglected disorder. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 78(2), 149-155.
- Gonsalvez, C. J., Deane, F. P., Blackman, R., Matthias, M., Knight, R., Nasstasia, Y., Shire, A., Nicholson Perry, K., Allan, C., & Bliokas, V. (2015). The hierarchical clustering of clinical psychology practicum competencies: a multisite study of supervisor ratings. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 22(4), 390 – 403.
- Guest, R., Craig, A., Nicholson Perry, K., Tran, Y., Hales, A., Ephraums, C., Dezarnaulds, A., Crino, R., & Middleton, J. (2015). Resilience following spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 60(4), 311 – 321.
- Sublette, V. A., Hopwood, M., George, J., Smith, S., Nicholson Perry, K., McCaffery, K. J., & Douglas, M. W. (2015). Instrumental support to facilitate hepatitis C treatment adherence: working around shortfalls in shared-care. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 20(2), 186-197.
- Todd, J., Sharpe, L., Johnson, A., Nicholson Perry, K., Colagiuri, B., & Dear, B. F. (2015). Towards a new model of attentional biases in the development, maintenance and management of pain. Pain, 156(9), 1589-1600.
- Dear, B. F., Gandy, M., Karin, E., Johnston, L., Fogliati, V., Wootton, B. M., Terides, M. D., Staples, L. G., Kayrouz, R., Nicholson Perry, K., Sharpe, L., Nicholas, M. K., & Titov, N. (2015). The Pain Course: a randomised controlled trial examining an internet-delivered pain management program when provided with different levels of clinician support. Pain, 156(10), 1920-1935.
- Craig, A., Nicholson Perry, K., Guest, R., Tran, Y., Dezarnaulds, A., Hales, A., Ephraums, D., & Middleton, J. (2015). Prospective study of the occurrence of psychological disorders and comorbidities after spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96(8), 1426-1434.
- Gandy, M., Sharpe, L., Nicholson Perry, K., Thayer, Z., Miller, L., Boserio, J., & Mohamed, A. (2014). Cognitive behaviour therapy to improve mood in people with epilepsy: a randomised controlled trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. doi: 10.1080/16506073.2014.892530.
- Boza, C., & Nicholson Perry, K. (In Press). Gender-related victimisation, perceived social support and predictors of depression among transgender Australians. International Journal of Transgenderism.
- Yamaguchi, R., Nicholson Perry, K., & Hines, M. (2013). Pain, pain anxiety and emotional and behavioural problems in children with cerebral palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation, 36(2), 125-130.
- Gandy, M., Sharpe, L., Nicholson Perry, K., Miller, L., Thayer, Z., Boserio, J., & Ahmed, M. M. (2013). Rates of DSM-IV mood, anxiety disorders and suicidality in Australian adult epilepsy outpatients: a comparison of well-controlled versus refractory epilepsy Epilepsy & Behavior, 26(1), 29-35.
- Gandy, M., Sharpe, L., Nicholson Perry, K., Miller, L., Thayer, Z., Boserio, J., & Mohamed, A. (2013). The psychosocial correlates of depressive disorders and suicide risk in people with epilepsy. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 74(3), 227-232.
- Gonsalvez, C. J., Bushnell, J., Blackman, R., Deane, F., Bliokas, V., Nicholson-Perry, K., . . . Knight, R. (2013). Assessment of psychology competencies in field placements: Standardized vignettes reduce rater bias. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 7(2), 99-111.
- Dear B F, Titov N, Nicholson Perry K, Johnston L, Wootton B, Terides M, et al. (2013). The Pain Course: a randomised controlled trial of an internet-delivered program for managing chronic pain and emotional wellbeing. Pain, 154(6), 942-950.
- Sharpe, L., Nicholson Perry, K., Rogers, P., Refshauge, K., & Nicholas, M. K. (2013). A comparison of the effect of mindfulness and relaxation on responses to acute experimental pain. European Journal of Pain, 17(5), 742-752.
- Sublette, V. A., Douglas, M. W., McCaffery, K. J., George, J., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2013). Psychological, lifestyle, and social predictors of Hepatitis C treatment response: a systematic review. Liver International, 33(6), 894-903.
- Stiers, W., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2012). Education and training in rehabilitation psychology. In P. Kennedy (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gandy, M., Sharpe, L., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2012). Psychosocial predictors of depression and anxiety in patients with epilepsy: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 140(3), 222-232.
- Gandy, M., Sharpe, L., Nicholson Perry, K., Miller, L., Thayer, Z., Boserio, J., & Mohamed, A. (2012). Assessing the efficacy of two screening measures for depression in people with epilepsy. Neurology, 79(4), 371-375.
- Sharpe, L., Ianiello, M., Dear, B. F., Nicholson Perry, K., Refshauge, K., & Nicholas, M. K. (2012). Is there a potential role for attention bias modification in pain patients? Results of 2 randomised, controlled trials. Pain, 153(3), 722-731.
- Nicholson Perry, K., Nicholas, M. K., & Middleton, J. W. (2011). Multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural pain management programmes for people with a spinal cord injury: design and implementation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33(13-14), 1272-1280.
- Sharpe, L., Nicholson Perry, K., Rogers, P., Dear, B. F., Nicholas, M. K., & Refshauge, K. (2010). A comparison of the effect of attention training and relaxation on responses to pain. Pain, 150(3), 469-476.
- Nicholson Perry, K., Nicholas, M. K., & Middleton, J. W. (2010). Comparison of a pain management program with usual care in a pain management center for people with spinal cord injury-related chronic pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 26(3), 206-216.
- Nicholson Perry, K., Nicholas, M. K., & Middleton, J. W. (2009). Spinal cord injury-related pain in rehabilitation: A cross-sectional study of relationships with cognitions, mood and physical function. European Journal of Pain, 13(5), 511-517.
- Nicholson Perry, K., Nicholas, M. K., Middleton, J. W., & Siddall, P. J. (2009). Psychological characteristics of people with spinal cord injury-related persisting pain referred to a tertiary pain management center. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 46(1), 57-68.
- Rapoport, L., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2000). Do dietitians feel that they have had adequate training in behaviour change methods? Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 13(4), 287-298.
- Wardle, J., Rogers, P., Judd, P., Taylor, M. A., Rapoport, L., Green, M., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2000). Randomized trial of the effects of cholesterol-lowering dietary treatment on psychological function. American Journal of Medicine, 108(7), 547-553.
- Nicholson Perry, K., & Burgess, M. (2002). Communication in cancer care. Maldon, MA: British Psychological Society and Blackwell Publishers.
Book Chapters
- Stiers, W., Nicholson Perry, K., Kennedy, P., & Scherer, M. (2011). Rehabilitation psychology. In P. Martin, F. Cheung, M. Kyrios, L. Littlefield, M. Knowles, B. Overmier & J. M. Prieto (Eds.), The IAAP Handbook of Applied Psychology (pp. 573-587). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Nicholson Perry, K. (2011). Chronic pain in persons with physical disabilities. In G. Racz (Ed.), Pain management. Rijeka, Croatia: Intech Open Access Publisher.
- Nicholson Perry, K., & Malin, K. (2011). Mentoring at the Australian Psychological Society (APS). In S. O’Toole, N. Ferres & J. Connell (Eds.), People development: An inside view to developing individuals, leaders and organisations. Melbourne, Australia: Tilde University Press.
- Nicholson Perry, K., Middleton, J. W., Siddall, P. J., & Nicholas, M. K. (2009). The problem of pain and its management. In A. Craig & Y. Tran (Eds.), Psychological dynamics associated with spinal cord injury rehabilitation: New directions and best evidence. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Nicholson Perry, K., Rapoport, L., & Wardle, J. (1998). Adherence to lipid-lowering dietary interventions. In M. B. Myers & K. Midence (Eds.), Adherence to treatment in medical conditions. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Press.
Research Grants
- Nicholson Perry, K. (2016). Growing clinical psychology workforce capacity in traumatic brain injury: Approved supervisor training grants and support program. iCare (Lifetime Care), $15000.
- Nicholson Perry, K., & Marlowe, N. (2016). Ontological insecurity: A new psychometric measure and relationship to sub-clinical psychotic phenomena. Navitas Professional Institute Small Research Grants Scheme, $9805.50.
- Cavaleri, M., Harris, L., Papps, F. A., Nicholson Perry, K., & Cooper, E. (2015). Supporting dissertation research and writing at the postgraduate level in the School of Psychological Sciences. Navitas Professional and English Programs Learning and Teaching Innovation Grant, $4940.
- Gonsalvez, C. J., Deane, F., Bushnell, J., Pai, N., Shires, A., Knight, R., Nicholson Perry, K., Donovan, M., Nasstasia, Y., Tooth, S., Billich-Eric, L., McLeod, H.J., and Britt, E. (2014). Using standardised vignettes to assess practicum competencies in psychology and other disciplines: Office of Learning and Teaching, $220,000.
- Dear, B. F., Nicholson Perry, K., Siddall, P., Middleton, J., Johnson, J., Monypenny, F., & Titov, N. (2013). The SCI Pain Course: Developing a low-intensity self-management program for chronic pain and emotional wellbeing amongst adults with spinal cord injuries (Vol. $133,194): NSW Lifetime Care and Support Authority.
- Stevens, B. A., Connor, P., Isakovic, M., Bilich, L., Knight, R., et al. (2013). Viva exams in clinical psychology: 15 case studies as a training resource (Vol. $15000.00): Office of Learning and Teaching.
- Nicholson Perry, K., Vrklevski, L., & Smith, I. (2012). Training package for psychology supervisors: a competency-based initiative with flexible delivery components (Vol. 40000): Sydney Interdisciplinary Clinical Training Network.
- Nicholson Perry, K., Dear, B. F., Girosi, F., Nicholas, M. K., & Blyth, F. M. (2012). Low intensity, early intervention for pain and trauma: evidence into practice (Vol. $281983.67): NSW Motor Accident Authority.
- Dear, B. F., Titov, N., Nicholson Perry, K., Sharpe, L., & Nicholas, M. K. (2012). Towards effective dissemination of a low intensity Chronic Pain Management Course (Vol. $265806.46): NSW Motor Accidents Authority.
- Craig, A., Middleton, J. W., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2012). Psychosocial aspects of spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation: best practice assessment and intervention (Funding extension): Lifetime Care and Support Authority of NSW.
- Nicholson Perry, K. (2012). Evidence Check Project: Promotion of self-management skills in people with spinal cord injury (Vol. $5911): The Agency for Clinical Innovation.
- Dear, B. F., Titov, N., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2011). A randomised controlled trial of an internet delivered treatment program for managing chronic pain (Vol. $71,254): Motor Accident Authority.
- Gonsalvez, C. J., Knight, R., Shires, A., Webster, R., Hyde, J., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2010). The vignette-matching procedure: an innovative approach to assess competencies in psychology and clinical practicum: Australian Learning and Teaching Council 2010 Priority Projects Grant Scheme.
- Craig, A., Middleton, J., & Nicholson Perry, K. (2009). Psychosocial aspects of spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation: best practice assessment and intervention (Vol. $264,755): Lifetime Care and Support Authority.
Conference Presentations (since 2010)
- Nicholson Perry K (2014) Pain and trauma. Invited paper presented at the Alliance for Improving the Management (AIM) of Pain 2014, Sydney, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry K (2014) Building resilience. Invited paper presented at the Alliance for Improving the Management (AIM) of Pain 2014, Sydney, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry K (2013) Supervising in a new landscape: Integrating recent changes into the supervision of psychology students. Invited paper to be presented at Advances in Clinical Supervision: Innovation and Practice, Sydney, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry K. (2013) Teaching and learning about pain in the information age: internet-delivered treatments. Invited paper presented at the Australian Pain Society 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry K. (2013) Emerging psychological treatments for chronic pain. Or sorting wheat from chaff. Invited paper presented at the Alliance for Improving the Management (AIM) of Pain 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry K. (2013) Ageing with a chronic medical condition – the case of spinal cord injury. Invited workshop presented at the Psychology of Ageing Interest Group Workshop, Sydney, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry K. (2012) The status and implications of biopsychosocial models of pain in persons with pain due to physical disability. Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of the International Association for the Study of Pain, Milan, Italy.
- Nicholson Perry K. (2012) If you could….? Priorities of people with spinal cord injury. Invited paper presented at the Spinal Cord Injury Network CONNECTIONS Sydney, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry K. (2012) Patient concerns: what surveys tell us about their priorities. Invited paper presented at the Spinal Research Institute Scientific Review Meeting: Complications That Follow Spinal Cord Injury, Melbourne, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry, K. (2012) The psychology of pain in people with physically disabling conditions. Workshop presented for the Australian Psychological Society Rehabilitation Psychology Interest Group, Sydney, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry K, Craig A, Guest R, & Middleton J W. (2012) A stitch in time… Identifying and monitoring psychosocial predictors of outcome following spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the International Spinal Cord Society 51st Annual Scientific Meeting, London, UK.
- Novak I, Crosato P, & Nicholson Perry K. (2012) Pain with cerebral palsy: health professionals’ assessment and treatment practices and the relationship to beliefs survey (poster). Paper presented at the Australian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry K. (2011) An ultimate irony: chronic pain in persons with physical disabilities (Tess Crammond Lecture). Invited paper presented at the Australian Pain Society 31st Annual Scientific Meeting, Darwin, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry, K. (2011) Cognitive behavioural management of pain in disabling conditions: what do we know and where to from here? Invited paper presented at the ANZSCOS / AFRM Conference 2011, Brisbane, Australia.
- Nicholson Perry, K. (2011). Cognitive behavioural management of spinal cord injury pain: what does this mean for the team? Invited paper presented at the ANZSCOS / AFRM Conference 2011, Brisbane, Australia.
- Gonsalvez C J, Knight R, Nicholson Perry K, Shires A, Allan C, Blackman R, et al. (2011) Rating clinical competencies in externships. Can we enhance training outcomes? Paper presented at the Clinical Psychology Curriculum Conference, Brisbane.
- Gandy M, Sharpe L, Nicholson Perry K, Miller L and Mohamed A (2010) Assessing the effective of two screening measures for depression in people with epilepsy. Poster presentation at Epilepsy and Depressive Disorders, Chicago, USA.
- Nicholson Perry K (2010) Professional psychology training in Australia: How does it prepare psychologists for practice with rehabilitation populations? Oral presentation at the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Research Supervision
- Scarlett Gill, PhD, UNSW – co-supervisor
- Melissa Panetta, BPsychSc(Hons), ACAP
- Angela Colson, BPsychSc(Hons), ACAP
- Dr Milena Gandy, PhD, University of Sydney (2017) – cosupervisor
- Dr Caroline Joyce, PhD, Western Sydney University (2018) – principal supervisor
Kathryn has supervised 3 psychology honours students to completion and an excess of 45 clinical psychology masters dissertations.
Professional Affiliations and Fellowships
- Full registration with Psychology Board of Australia (PSY0001368881) and endorsed in the clinical psychology area of practice
- Current Education Liaison Officer & member of National Committee of Australian Psychological Society College of Clinical Psychologists
- Member of the Australian Psychological Society, International Association for the Study of Pain, and the Australia and New Zealand Spinal Cord Society
- Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society
- Member, Motor Accident Authority of NSW Acute Whiplash Disorders Guidelines Working Group (November 2012 to date)
- Member, Sydney Interdisciplinary Clinical Training Network (ICTN) Advisory Committee (September 2012 to December 2013)
- Member of Organising Committee for the Australia and New Zealand Spinal Cord Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2013
- Australian Psychological Society representative on the Australian Pain Society’s Relationship and Communications Committee (2010 to date)
- Member of the Spinal Cord Injury Network Evidence Based Practice Collaborative (2010 to 2013)
- Member of Australian Psychological Society Professional Practice Advisory Group, 2008 – 2010
- Inaugural National Convenor of Australian Psychological Society Interest Group in Rehabilitation Psychology, established in 2007 (2007 – 2010)
- Member of Local Organising Committee for Australian Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2009 and chair of committee organising inaugural psychology pre-conference workshops
- Reviewer for European Journal of Pain, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Clinical Psychologist, and Disability and Rehabilitation