ACAP provides reporting, disclosure and support options for students who have experienced or witnessed sexual assault or harassment. Discussing or reporting sexual assault and harassment can be difficult and distressing. Our aim is for this process to be as safe, private and simple as possible.

do you need to report an incident?
In Australia, one in two women and one in four men have experienced sexual harassment during their lifetime. One in five women and one in twenty men experience sexual violence. Some of those most likely to experience sexual harassment or sexual assault in the wider community are the same groups that study and work at ACAP, particularly women aged 18-34.
Sexual harassment and violence occurs in all social groups and cultures, and across all ages
Sexual assault and sexual harassment can occur in partner relationships (including same-sex relationships) and between family members, colleagues, peers and caregivers. ACAP is committed to an inclusive campus community, free from harassment, discrimination and assault.
You can read our sexual assault and sexual harassment policy and procedure – see the link above.
For more information about sexual assault and sexual harassment (sash) support and reporting, and to provide feedback, please contact [email protected]

If you are experiencing an emergency or you are in immediate danger, call OOO for immediate police or ambulance assistance.
For 24/7 Counselling Support call 1800 RESPECT or 1800 737 732.
If you have experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment you can seek information about your options and support from a range of people including members of the first responders’ network, student engagement advisors (SEAS) and student counsellors. ACAP provides free on-campus student counselling, wellbeing, advocacy and support services.
You can also see specialised help from counselling, health, medical and police services. Many survivors take some time to feel ready to seek help and may choose to do so over the phone or via test or anonymously before meeting someone face to face.
Below you will find a comprehensive list of services available Nationally or in your State.
1800 RESPECT is a confidential counselling and support service for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse, phone: 1800 737 732 or
Kids Helpline is a private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25. Anytime. Any reason. Phone: 1800 551 800 or
Lifeline provides 24/7 telephone crisis support and suicide prevention services, and online crisis chat. Phone: 13 11 14 or
The Australian Human Rights Commission is an independent third party that investigates complaints about discrimination and human rights breaches. It does not act as an advocate or legal representative for a party to a complaint. The complaint process is simple, free and flexible.
Sexual assault support and counselling services
DV Connect provides a sexual assault helpline that offers telephone support and counselling to anyone – women, men and young people – who have been sexually assaulted or abused and for anyone who is concerned or suspects someone they care about might have been assaulted or abused.
Telephone: 1800 010 120
7.30am – 11.30pm, 7 days a week
BRISSC – Brisbane Rape & Incest Survivors Support Centre
Provide counselling, support, advocacy, information, advice and referral to women aged 15 years and over who have been sexually assaulted during their lives. Telephone: (07) 3391 0004
Zig Zag Young Women’s Resource Centre
Provide counselling, support, advocacy, information, advice and referral to young women aged 12 to 25 years who have been sexually assaulted during their lives. Telephone: (07) 3843 1823
Domestic Violence Action Centre
Provide counselling, support, advocacy, information, advice and referral to men and women who have been sexually assaulted during their lives. Telephone: (07) 3816 3000
Centre Against Sexual Violence (CASV)
Provide counselling, support, advocacy, information, advice and referral to women and girls aged 12 years and over who have been sexually assaulted during their lives. Telephone: (07) 3808 3299
Murrigunyah Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Women
Provide counselling, support, advocacy, information, advice and referral to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women aged 15 years and over who have been sexually assaulted during their lives.
Telephone: (07) 3290 4254
Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence Inc
Provide counselling, support, advocacy, information, advice and referral to women aged 15 years and over who have been sexually assaulted during their lives. Telephone: (07) 5591 1164
Living Well
Provide face to face and telephone counselling for men who have been sexually abused in childhood or sexually assaulted as an adult, and their partners and family. Web resources and training is available for professionals. Telephone: 1300 114 397 (free call from landlines) OR (07) 3028 4648
SART – Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Sexual Assault Response Team
Support directly following a sexual assault and follow up counselling and support in the early stages of recovery. Telephone: (07) 3646 5207
Ipswich Hospital Social Worker, Emergency Department
Support directly following a sexual assault and follow up counselling and support. Telephone: (07) 3810 1111
Telephone counselling for survivors and child protection advocacy. Telephone: 1800 272 831
Victim Assist Queensland
Assisting in the recovery of victims of crime who have been injured as a result of an act of violence through the provision of financial assistance. Telephone: 1300 546 587
Legal services
Women’s Legal Service
The Women’s Legal Service is run by women for women. Assistance is provided by lawyers and social workers during the day and several evenings each week. Telephone: 1800 957 957
Legal Aid Qld
Give legal help to financially disadvantaged people. Telephone: 1300 65 11 88
Sexual harassment
For information about making a complaint of sexual harassment:
The Qld Human Rights Commission receive complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment, vilification, victimisation and other breaches of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991. Telephone: 1300 130 670
Sexual assault support and counselling services
NSW Rape Crisis Centre
NSW Rape Crisis is the 24/7 telephone and online crisis counselling service for anyone in NSW – men and women – who has experienced or is at risk of sexual assault and their non-offending supporters. Telephone: 1800 424 017
NSW Health Sexual Assault Services
Are located across NSW and provide free services including crisis counselling, information and support, medical care and forensic examination, ongoing counselling, group work and court preparation and support for anyone who has been sexually assaulted.
This includes services for children, young people and adults who have been sexually abused as well as their non-offending parents/carers, partners, families and other supporters.
These services are based in certain hospitals and community health services across NSW.
Survivors & Mates Support Network (SAMSN) Group support for male survivors
Victim Services provides victims’ support package of counselling services, financial support and recognition payment available to victims of violent crime in New South Wales
- Victims Access Line: 1800 633 063
- Victim’s Services Aboriginal Contact Line: 1800 019 123
Legal services
Legal Aid NSW
Legal Aid NSW provides legal services to disadvantaged clients across NSW. Telephone: 1300 888 529
Indigenous Women’s Legal Contact Line Free legal advice Telephone: 1800 639 784
Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre
Free, confidential legal information, advice and casework to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, youth and children over the phone or face-to-face, Telephone: 1800 686 587
Women’s Legal Services NSW
Telephone: 1800 801 501
Sexual harassment
For information about making a complaint of sexual harassment:
The Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW strives to eliminate discrimination in New South Wales by resolving enquiries and complaints, raising awareness about discrimination and its impacts, and taking action to influence change.
Sexual assault support and counselling services
Sexual Assault Crisis Line
Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria (SACL) is a state-wide, after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for victim/survivors of both past and recent sexual assault. SACL operates between 5pm weeknights through to 9am the next day and throughout weekends and public holidays. Telephone: 1800 806 292
Centres Against Sexual Assault
Centres Against Sexual Assault provide free counselling and support to women, children and men who are victims/survivors of sexual assault. To access your nearest CASA Telephone: 1800 806 292
Department of Justice and Regulation Victims of Crime
Free information and support 7 days a week between 8am and 11pm. Information and advice on reporting a crime and information about your rights, the court process and other services that can help you including applying for compensation and financial assistance. Telephone: 1800 819 817
Legal Services
Women’s Legal Service Victoria
Telephone: 03 8622 0600 (Metro) OR 1800 133 302
Victoria Legal Aid
Provides free information about the law and how Legal Aid can help with a legal problem.
Telephone: 1300 792 387
Sexual harassment
For information about making a complaint of sexual harassment:
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission is an independent statutory body that can assist to resolve complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment or victimisation.
Sexual assault support and counselling services
Yarrow Place
A 24-hour Crisis Response Service for recent sexual assault. This includes support from a social worker, medical care by a doctor or nurse and collection of forensic evidence for people who considering legal action. Professional counselling and advocacy for recent and past sexual assault clients as well as their support people. Telephone: 1800 817 421
Victim Support Service
The South Australian state-wide service for victims of crime offers therapeutic, emotional and practical support.
Legal Services
Legal Services Commission
Provides legal services to disadvantaged clients across SA. Telephone: 1300 366 424
Women’s Legal Service
Free and confidential legal advice, assistance, referrals and representation for women in South Australia
Telephone: 08 8221 5553 or 1800 816 349
TTY: 1800 670 864
Sexual harassment
For information about making a complaint of sexual harassment:
- The Australian Human Rights Commission is an independent third party that investigates complaints about discrimination and human rights breaches. It does not act as an advocate or legal representative for a party to a complaint. The complaint process is simple, free and flexible.
- The South Australian Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) is an independent statutory body that can assist to resolve complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment or victimisation.
Sexual assault support and counselling services
Sexual Assault Resource Centre
Emergency sexual assault (rape crisis) services including medical, forensic and counselling support, up to two weeks after a sexual assault, Counselling services. 24hr crisis line: 1800 199 888
Victims of Crime
A range of services that offer advocacy and support to victims of crime in Western Australia.
Telephone: 1800 818 988 Email: [email protected]
Legal Services
Legal Aid WA
Provides free legal information and services. Telephone: 1300 650 579
Women’s Legal Services WA
Telephone: 08 9272 8800
Sexual harassment
For information about making a complaint of sexual harassment:
- The Equal Opportunity Commission is an independent statutory body that can assist to resolve complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment or victimisation.
Find all the resources you need to report an incident.
If you are a survivor of sexual assault or harassment, or have witnessed it, or have been told about an incident by someone else, you can report the incident to ACAP by submitting a confidential online form.
You have options for making a disclosure or a formal report:
- You can tell a First Responder about the incident and they can discuss your options and link you to support. They can also assist you to make a report online, or can make a report on your behalf, with your permission.
- You can disclose using the online form and remain anonymous. You can do this if you experienced sexual harassment or assault, if you witnessed it, or if another ACAP student told you about their experience. There will be no follow up, but we will record this information and it will help with preventing or responding to sexual assault and harassment. Concerns reported anonymously are taken seriously.
- You can disclose using an online form and provide your name and contact details. You can do this if you experienced sexual harassment or assault, if you witnessed it, or if another ACAP student told you about their experience. By disclosing using your name, you are not making a formal report, nor will we start an investigation. A member of the Student Engagement Team will contact you within two working days to discuss your experience and your options. We will respect your privacy and wishes for how you would like us to proceed.
For more information about lodging a disclosure or report contact [email protected]
For some people, it may take a while to decide to lodge a report. You can lodge a formal report even if some time has passed since the incident/s. If the staff or student mentioned are no longer at ACAP, there may be limitations to what outcomes can be reached, but we will still consider the information you provide, and will make contact to discuss.
When lodging a formal report, you will be asked to provide as much information as possible about the incident, including:
- specific details of the incident (what, when, where and any relevant background information any evidence you have, such as emails or text messages, which can be uploaded as attachments to the online form
- contact you have had with the student/staff who is the subject of the concern
- contact you have had with staff regarding the incident and any outcomes
- whether you want ACAP to investigate the issue, which will be guided by ACAP’s Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure outcome/s sought as a result of the concern.
A member of the Student Engagement Team will contact you within two working days to discuss your report and the process for investigation.
- They will also discuss your academic and personal needs, confidentiality, and any concerns you may have regarding the process.
- They will seek your consent before acting, and provide clear information about the process, timeframes, and possible outcomes.
- They will also communicate with you in writing.
When you make a report and submit it online, it will be seen by staff in the Student Engagement Team who are trained in sexual assault and sexual harassment support and response. These same staff will oversee investigating reports. Your report and other relevant information are stored securely, and your privacy will be maintained. No information that identifies you or your situation will be shared unless we are legally required to do so or believe there is a genuine threat to your wellbeing or safety.
- You can lodge a formal report using this online form.
- For more information about making a formal report contact [email protected]
Sexual assault is a serious crime that can impact anybody. It can be difficult and distressing to make a report to the police. A person who has experienced sexual assault may decide not to report to police, or not to have a medical or forensic examination. This is their choice and should be respected and supported.
Police strongly encourage victims and witnesses to report sexual assault, but they understand that not everyone wants to pursue a formal investigation. There are options for making informal and anonymous reports of sexual assault. Police can provide information about these options and can also refer to medical care and counselling agencies.
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call 000.
If you have experienced sexual assault and would like to make a complaint or report to the police:
- NSW Police
- 000 for emergencies
- Policelink 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 for non-emergencies.
- GLLOs – LGBTIQ Liaison Officers
You can choose whether to report the sexual assault to police. It is your decision. It might be helpful to discuss your decision with a counsellor or someone you trust, and to know how sexual assault is investigated by police.
Many survivors have reasons for not officially reporting the crimes of sexual assault or rape. You can make an informal report about the assault(s) and the perpetrator, anonymously if you prefer. This is different to making an official complaint or seeking prosecution. An informal report means that the police do not press charges in relation to your experience of abuse or assault but are still provided valuable information about the offence(s) that may assist in other prosecutions. For more information, or to report to New South Wales Police through Sexual Assault Reporting Option (SARO)
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call 000.
If you have experienced sexual assault and would like to make a complaint or report to the police:
- Queensland Police
- 000 for emergencies
- Policelink 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 for non-emergencies
- LGBTI Liaison Officers: QPS LGBTI Liaison Program
You can choose whether to report the sexual assault to police. It is your decision. It might be helpful to discuss your decision with a counsellor or someone you trust, and to know how sexual assault is investigated by police.
Many survivors have reasons for not officially reporting the crimes of sexual assault or rape. You can make an informal report about the assault(s) and the perpetrator, anonymously if you prefer. This is different from making an official complaint or seeking prosecution. An informal report means that the police do not press charges in relation to your experience of abuse or assault but are still provided valuable information about the offence(s) that may assist in other prosecutions. For more information, or to report to police through Alternative Reporting Option (ARO).
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call 000.
If you have experienced sexual assault and would like to make a complaint or report to the police:
- South Australia Police
- 000 for emergencies
- Policelink 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 for non-emergencies
- Gay and Lesbian Liaison Officers
You can choose whether to report the sexual assault to the police. It is your decision. You can provide information anonymously without contacting the police personally: If you are apprehensive about involving the police you are encouraged to make contact with Yarrow Place, Rape and Sexual Assault Service where you will be provided with information and choices about accessing medical and counselling services. (Free call 1800 817 421). An opportunity exists to provide information anonymously to police by completing a questionnaire that in no way identifies you as the victim.
For more information, or to report to Police SA Police Sexual Crime Investigations
Telephone: 08 8172 5555 (business hours only)
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call 000.
If you have experienced sexual assault and would like to make a complaint or report to the police.
- Victoria Police
- 000 for emergencies
- Policelink 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 for non-emergencies
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex Liaison Officers (GLLOs)
You can choose whether to report the sexual assault to police. It is your decision. It might be helpful to discuss your decision with a counsellor or someone you trust, and to know how sexual assault is investigated by police.
If you would like further information about the investigation process you may speak to a Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Team (SOCIT) detective.
SOCIT Detectives:
- Diamond Creek (03) 9438 8320;
- Epping (03) 9409 8174;
- Fawkner (03) 9355 6100;
- Footscray (03) 8398 9860;
- Brimbank (03) 9313 3460;
- Melbourne (03) 8690 4056
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call 000.
If you have experienced sexual assault and would like to make a complaint or report to the police:
- Western Australia Police
- 000 for emergencies
- Policelink 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 for non-emergencies.
- People of Diverse Sexuality and/or Gender
You can choose whether to report the sexual assault to the police. It is your decision. It might be helpful to discuss your decision with a counsellor or someone you trust, and to know how sexual assault is investigated by police.
Sex Assault Squad can be contacted at (08) 9428 1600 or by email.