Inherent Requirements



What is it like to do this course?

It may be helpful for you to understand a little about what it is like to complete the  Master of Information Technology. Further information about the course is available on the course page and we recommend you familiarise yourself with the information there.


What about when I finish my course?

With a focus on software development, current and emerging technologies and artificial intelligence, graduates of the course will be well placed to secure rewarding roles worldwide in a range of IT roles. You’ll also be able to use the skills you learn on this course in areas outside of IT, such as finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and entertainment. This gives you flexibility in your career choices after you graduate.


Inherent requirement domains

There are three domains of inherent requirements in the Master of Information Technology. Some domains have a number of sub-domains.

  • Ethical behaviour
  • Communication
  • Cognition

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