Strategies to achieve work-life-study balance


Managing your professional, study and personal life can be a challenge. It may feel impossible to juggle all your commitments and keep stress at bay BUT… follow our five steps and you’ll be well on your way to achieving that elusive balance.

The secret to finding that balance? Good planning, prioritising, and time management. One handy trick is to write out major submission dates, events and key deliverables over the next few months and break down your weeks and days by chunking tasks. Doing this will give you a big picture view of everything you need to do, so you won’t be caught out by any looming deadlines.

You don’t want to get burnt out juggling so many commitments, so be sure to make time for self-care and rest. Achieving your goals is important but try to get there with a healthy mind to avoid unnecessary stress and sickness. Setting aside short breaks to go for a walk, meditate, or nap can go a long way to recharge those batteries and help you be the best version of yourself no matter what you’re doing.

It’s important to let your family, friends and boss know about all the different things going on in your life. That way, they’ll be more understanding if you’re unavailable during exam time and have realistic expectations of your time. If things get challenging, reach out to your support networks for advice or a chat – they’ll want to help you succeed!

Your eyes may be focused on the end goal, but a personal reward system is a great way to keep the momentum going! Treat yourself to a massage or a nice dinner with friends after you’ve completed a huge assignment or reached a key milestone. It’s important to acknowledge your hard work and sacrifices while you’re on your journey.

Life flows much easier when you enjoy what you’re doing. If you do something you’re passionate about, engaging and meaningful for you – the journey itself will be as important as the destination. When your work-life-study choices are rooted in purpose and passion, managing your priorities will be a juggling act, but you’ll find a way to make it work.

Why study at ACAP?

We want our students to have a balanced life whilst pursuing their education and to feel confident that they can start their dream course at any stage of life. If you have a passion for human behaviour and making a positive difference in society – you’re already on your way. Find out more

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