Peter has been teaching and researching in the higher education sector since 2001. He has taught, worked, and researched in the areas of education, counselling, and psychology. He is both a qualified psychologist and teacher. Peter has won awards for teaching excellence and inclusive practice. He has taught internationally in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. He was the Associate Dean of Graduate Research Studies and Academic Coordinator for the Masters of Guidance and Counselling Singapore at James Cook University. More recently, he was the Master of Psychology (Education & Development) Research Coordinator at the Queensland University of Technology. Peter is also an affiliated researcher with the International Center for School-Based Youth Development at the University of California, Santa Barbara, under the directorship of Professor Michael Furlong.
Research Interests
Peter’s research interests are broad and cross the boundaries of education, psychology, and counselling. Counselling theories and skills, optimism, covitality, anger, intelligence, and classroom management, are some areas that he has been involved in through his research and teaching. He was directly involved in the development of the Australian version of the Multidimensional School Anger Inventory with researchers from the University of California Santa Barbara and the University of Hawaii. He is involved in research with the International Center for School-Based Youth Development at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Currently, the main area of research is into the development and measurement of covitality, the positive psychology opposite of comorbidity, which examines the interaction of a number of positive psychology constructs (e.g. optimism, gratitude, and perseverance) and their effects on well-being. Peter and his students has conducted covitality studies with children, adolescents, young adults, and retirees. His students have also conducted research around the area of autism in children. He, with another JCU academic, did a major review of intelligence and intelligence testing for Education Queensland.
Teaching Interests
Peter has been Unit Coordinator for, and taught units in, counselling theories, counselling skills, child and adolescent counselling, educational psychology, developmental psychology, research methods, and classroom management. He has lectured and taught in both large classes (500+) and small groups and has developed programs and units at several universities. He was a twice-nominated Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence Nominee at the Queensland University of Technology “in recognition of exceptional sustained performance and outstanding achievement in Learning and Teaching“. He was awarded a Teaching and Learning Award for Teaching Excellence (including $1000) by the Faculty of Education at the Queensland University of Technology. He was also awarded an Inclusive Practice Award, nominated solely by students, at James Cook University for recognition of his support for students with disabilities.
Journal Articles
- Hsi, T, & Boman P. (2022). The Development of Professional Identity among Counsellors in Tertiary Educational Institutions in Singapore. Counselling & Psychotherapy Review Singapore, 1-9. doi.org/10.1142/S2810968623500031
- Mergler, A., Carrington, S. B., Boman, P., Kimber, M. P., & Bland, D. (2017). Exploring the value of service-learning on pre-service teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(6), 69-80.
- Allenden, N., Boman, P., Mergler, A., & Furlong, M. J. (2016). Positive psychology constructs as predictors of depression in retirees. Ageing & Society, 1-23. doi:10.1017/S0144686X16001410.
- Wilkins, B., Boman, P., & Mergler, A. (2015). Positive psychological strengths and school engagement in Primary school children. Cogent Education, (2)1: 1095680. doi:10.1080/2331186X.2015.1095680
- Pennell, C., Boman, P. & Mergler, A. (2015). Covitality constructs as predictors of psychological well-being and depression in secondary school students [Special Issue]. Contemporary School Psychology. 9(4), 276-285. doi:10.1007/s40688-015-0067-5
- Sheridan, Z., Boman, P., Mergler, A., & Furlong, M. J. (2015). Examining Well-Being, Anxiety and Self-Deception in University Students. Cogent Psychology, 2(1). doi:10.1080/23311908.2014.993850
- Boman, P., Mergler, A., Furlong, M. J., & Caltabiano, N. (2014). Anger in Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. International Education Journal, 13(2), 15-26.
- Furlong, M. J., You, S., Smith, D. C., Gonzalez, V., Boman, P., Shimoda, Y., Terasaka, A., Merino, C., & Grazioso, M. (2013). An Examination of the Factorial Invariance and Refinement of the Multidimensional School Anger Inventory for Five Pacific Rim Countries. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 1(1), p. 20-35.
- Morrissy, Laura, Boman, Peter, & Mergler, Amanda (2013). Nursing a case of the blues: An examination of the role of depression in predicting job-related affective well-being in nurses. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34(3), pp. 158-168.
- Morton, S., Mergler, A., & Boman, P. (2013). Managing the Transition: The Role of Optimism and Self-Efficacy for First-Year Australian University Students. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jgc.2013.29. Published online: 13 December 2013.
- You, Sukkyung, Ritchey, Kristin, Furlong, Michael, Shochet, Ian M., & Boman, Peter (2011). Examination of the latent structure of the Psychological Sense of School Membership Scale. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29(3), pp. 225-237.
- Plowman, Sarah, Boman, Peter, & Williams, David (2009). “Okay girl, it’s up to you”: A case study of the use of a seizure alert dog to improve the well-being of a student with epilepsy. Journal of Student Wellbeing, 3(1), pp. 40-51.
- Curtis, D. D. & Boman, P. (2007). X-ray your data with Rasch. International Education Journal, 8(2), 249-259.
- Furlong, M. J., Sharkey, J. D., Boman, P., & Caldwell, R. (2007). Cross-Validation of the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale-2 Youth Version: An Exploration of Strength-Based Latent Traits. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 16(5), 696-711.
- Gilholm, R. & Boman, P. (2007). Primary school teachers’ ability to recognise resilience in their students. The Australian Educational Researcher 34(1), 17-32.
- Jung, J. A., Boman, P., Williams, D. (2007). A comparative examination of South Australian primary students’ attitudes towards German LOTE and other learning areas. Journal of Educational Enquiry, 7(1), 16-31.
- Boman, P., Curtis, D., Furlong, M. J. & Smith, D. C. (2006). Cross validation and Rasch analysis of the Australian version of the Multidimensional School Anger Inventory-revised. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 24 (3), 225-242.
- Watson, J. & Boman, P. (2005). Mainstreamed students with learning difficulties: Failing and underachieving in secondary school. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 10(2), 43-49.
- Boman, P. (2003). Gender differences in school anger. International Education Journal, 4(2), 71-77.
- Jung, J. & Boman P. (2003). Comparison of disruptive behaviours in South Australian LOTE and mainstream primary school classrooms. Journal of Educational Enquiry, 4 (2), 90-101.
- Boman, P., Smith, D. C., & Curtis, D. (2003). Effects of pessimism and explanatory style on the development of anger in children. School Psychology International, 24(1), 80-94.
- Williams, D. & Boman, P. (2002). Voices from schools: Listening to students in transition. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 6(3), 129-135.
- Boman, P. & Yates, G. C. R. (2001). Optimism, hostility, and adjustment in the first year of high school. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, 401-411.
- Allenden, N., Boman, P., Mergler, A., & Furlong, M. J. (2016, in press). Positive psychology constructs as predictors of depression in retirees. Ageing & Society.
Book Chapters
- Boman, P. & Hsi, T. (2022). Optimism in the classroom and beyond. In K-A. Allen, M. J. Furlong, D. A. Vella-Brodrick & S. M. Suldo, (Eds.). The handbook of positive psychology in schools: Supporting process and practice (3rd ed., pp. 104-117). Taylor and Francis.
- Mergler, A. & Boman, P. (Oct, 2017). : Promoting good mental health and supporting social emotional wellbeing: Managing stress, anxiety and supporting autonomy and resilience in the middle years. In B. Saggers (Ed.), Developing Positive Classroom Environments:Strategies for nurturing adolescent learning. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
- Boman, P. & Mergler, A.. (2014). Optimism: What is it and its relevance in the school context. In M. J. Furlong, R. Gilman, & E. S. Heubner, (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology in the schools (2nd ed., pp. 51-66). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Smith, Douglas C., Furlong, Michael J., Boman, Peter, & Gonzalez, Victoria (2012) Using self-report anger assessments in school settings. In Jimerson, Shane R., Nickerson, Amanda B., Mayer, Matthew J., & Furlong, Michael J. (Eds.) Handbook of School Violence and School Safety : International Research and Practice (2nd ed., pp. 273-288 ). Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, New York, United States of America, pp. 273-287.
- Boman, P., Furlong, M. J., Shochet, I., Lilles, E., & Jones, C. (2009). Optimism and the school context. In R. Gilman, E. S. Heubner, & M. J. Furlong (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology in the schools (pp. 51-64). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Smith, D. C., Furlong, M. J., & Boman, P. (2006). Assessing anger and hostility in school settings, In S. R. Jimerson & M. J. Furlong (Eds.), The handbook of school violence and school safety: From research to practice (pp. 135-146). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Research Grants
- 2016/2017: A Navitas Professional Institute Small Research Grant. Cross-validation of the Social Emotional Health Scale – Higher Education (SEHS-HE) for Australian Higher Education Students: A Research Partnership to Foster Student Well-being between the Australian College of Psychology, Queensland University of Technology, and the University of California, Santa Barbara, with Dr Amanda Mergler and Professor Michael Furlong. $4000
- 2015: University of South Australia, Division of Education, Arts, and Social Sciences, Research Performance Fund: Psycho-social and Academic Benefits for Adolescents Engaging in Alternative Education with Dr Deborah Price, Dr Tom Stehlik, Dr Jenni Carter, Ms Deirdre Tedmanson, and Dr Harry Savelsberg. $3000
- 2009: Queensland University of Technology Faculty of Education Centre for Learning Innovation Support Scheme: Development of research projects and publications. $5,000
- 2006: Education Queensland: Mental Health. Identification of Intellectual Impairment of Students from Torres Strait District with Dr Maria Caltabiano. $15,000
- 2005/6: Education Queensland: Mental Health. Is the assessment of Aboriginal students with intellectual impairment or learning difficulties, living remote communities, best determined by the use of the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test? with Dr Maria Caltabiano, and Ms Annabelle Symes. $15,000
- 2005/6: Department of Education, Science, and Training Grant.Success for Boys – Stage 1 with Professors Nola Alloway, Rob Gilbert, Jeannie Herbert, and Colin Lankshear, A/Professor Neil Anderson, Dr Leanne Dalley-Trim, and Curriculum Corporation, Victoria. $534,000
Conference Papers
- Smith, D. C., Furlong, M. J., Boman, P., You, S., Terasaka, A., Shimoda, Y., del Pilar Grazioso, M., & Merino Soto, C. A. (2010, July). Multidimensional School Anger Inventory: A Cross-National Evaluation. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association in Dublin, Ireland.
- Williams, D. & Boman, P. (2009, November) “I heard it through the grapevine”: Classroom management and mythology. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education in Canberra, Australia.
- Boman, P., Furlong, M. J., & Smith, D. C. (2007, August). Cross-Validation of the Multidimensional School Anger Inventory–Australian Version. Poster presented at the 115th Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, California.
- Boman, P., Furlong, M. J., & Smith, D. C. (2007, August). Cross-Validation of the Multidimensional School Anger Inventory–Australian Version. Poster presented at the 115th Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, California.
- Gilholm, R. & Boman, P. (2005, November) Resilience in Primary School Students and Their Teachers’ Knowledge of Resilience Assets. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education in Sydney, Australia.
- Boman, P. & Gilholm, R. (2005, September) Development of the Australian Version of the Multidimensional School Anger Inventory-Revised. Rapid Fire Poster presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society in Melbourne, Australia.
- Boman, P. & Jung, J. (2004, December) The Relationship Between Attitude to LOTE and the Frequency of Disruptive Behaviours in the LOTE Classroom. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education in Melbourne, Australia.
- Furlong, M. J., Smith, D. C., Boman, P., del Pilar Grazioso, M., Gonzalez, M. & Chorrillos, C. (2004, July) Multidimensional School Anger Inventory: A Cross National Comparison. Inventario de Enojo Escolar Multidimensional: Compariciion de Naciones. Poster presented at the 112th Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Curtis, D. & Boman, P. (2004, July) The Identification of Misfitting Response Patterns to, and their Influences on the Calibration of Attitude Survey Instruments. Paper presented at the 12th International Objective Measurement Conference in Cairns, Australia.
Conference Abstracts
- Boman, P., Gilholm, R., Furlong, M. J. & Smith, D. C. (2005). Development of the Australian version of the Multidimensional School Anger Inventory-Revised. Australian Journal of Psychology, 57, (Suppl. S), 185.
- Boman, P., Pelling, N., & Yates, G. (2001). Gender differences in the affective, behavioural, and cognitive dimensions of anger in first year high school students. Australian Journal of Psychology, 53, (Suppl. S), 139.
- Boman, P., & Caltabiano, N. J. (2006). Report on the identification of intellectual impairment in the Torres Strait District. Brisbane: Education Qld.
Research Supervision
- Examining the Efficacy of a Positive Psychology Program to Enhance the Well-being of Adolescent Girls. Doctorate of Education.
- Examining social-emotional well-being constructs in retirees: A cross-battery analysis with Depression. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development). Published.
- Self-Stigma and Attitudes: The Impact of Self-Stigma on Seeking Therapy. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Examining social-emotional well-being constructs in relation to student life challenges and disability in High School students. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Developmental Assets: Australian Young People and Violence. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Examining social-emotional well-being constructs in university students: A cross-battery analysis with Anger and Hostility. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Common Worries of Beginning Counsellors. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Examining social-emotional well-being constructs in university students: A cross-battery analysis with Depression. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Helping caregivers grieve. Grief counsellors’ perspective on grief of caregivers of relatives with disabilities. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Is deceiving ourselves always unhealthy? Investigating the effect of positive psychological traits and self-deception on depression and well-being in University Students. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Moving On: Investigating how Gender Orientation, Optimism, and Self-Esteem Impact the Transitioning from University to Work. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Attachment Orientation and Drug Addiction: Patterns in male Domestic Violence Perpetrators. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Examining social-emotional well-being constructs in relation to student life challenges and stress in university students. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Examining social-emotional well-being constructs in university students: A cross-battery analysis with Academic Stress. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Associated factors of burnout, compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction among telephone counsellors. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Enhancing Student Well-being: Shifting the Self-Esteem Focus to Covitality for Better Outcomes. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Examining Psychological Well-being in Students in Relation to School Connectedness. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Parents’ use of iPads to support children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in the home environment (Co-Supervisor). Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Counsellors’ experience of therapeutic relationship in online counselling. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- The Effects of Optimism on Academic Stress in Australian and Malaysian Students.Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- The Effects of Parenting on Adult Decision Making. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Positive Psychological Constructs and their Effects on Anxiety in Retirement. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Management Styles and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Increasing Understanding, Knowledge and Skills of Teachers and Teacher Aides Working with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Evaluation of Conjoint Behavioural Consultation (Co-Supervisor). Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- An Exploration of the Experiences of Parenting an Adolescent with Mental Health Problems. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Nursing a case of the blues: An examination of the role of depression in predicting job-related affective well-being in nurses.Masters of Psychology (Education & Development). Published.
- Effects of Optimism and Self-Efficacy on Adjustment to First Year University. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development). Published.
- Determining relationships between values, attitudes to violence, and motivation to change in male perpetrators of violence. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- International Students’ Perceptions of their Experience of Higher Education in Australia: A Focus on Saudi Arabian Students in Their First Year of a Business Course in a Major Australian University (Associate Supervisor) Doctorate of Education.
- Examining social-emotional well-being in relation to student life challenges and depression in High School students. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development). Published.
- Someone else to look after my son. BEd Honours. Published.
- Examining social-emotional well-being constructs in university students in relation to student life challenges, self-deception, and anxiety. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development). Published.
- Examining social-emotional well-being in relation to student life challenges and school connectedness in High School students. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Modes of operation of support teachers (learning difficulties) (Co-supervisor). Doctor of Philosophy.
- Does Bad Housing cause Illness?: Investigating the Wellness of Permanent Residents in a Caravan Park. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Examining social-emotional well-being constructs in retirees: A cross-battery analysis with Perceived Social Support. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development).
- Experiencing school: An exploratory, multi-method study of the perceptions of secondary teachers, advocating parents, and mainstream students with learning difficulties (Co-supervisor). Doctor of Philosophy. Published.
- Examining social-emotional well-being in relation to school connectedness in Primary School students. Masters of Psychology (Education & Development). Published.
- An Analysis of Anxiety Provoking Stimuli in Regional, Secondary Students. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy. Published.
- Helping Caregivers Grieve: Grief Counsellors’ Perspective on Grief of Primary Caregivers of Relatives with Disabilities. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
- Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Services Within the Muslim Community. Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
Professional Affiliations and Fellowships
- Australian Psychological Society
- American Psychology Association
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
- Teachers Registration Board of South Australia
- Australian Traditional Medicine Society
Media Reports
Boman, P. (April/May, 2014). Learned Optimism: What is it? Families Magazine Brisbane, pp. 26-27.
Macdonald, E. (2009, December 1). Teachers ‘rely on myths’ to manage students. The Canberra Times, p. 3.
O’Connor, T. (2007, Summer). The getting of optimism.Teenmatters, pp. 60-61.
O’Connor, T. (2006, July 16). Sunny side up: A good life just won’t happen – you need an optimistic outlook and a realistic plan.The Sun-Herald Sunday Life Magazine, p. 34.
O’Connor, T. (2006, July 16). Sunny side up: A good life just won’t happen – you need an optimistic outlook and a realistic plan.The Sunday Age Life Magazine, p. 34.
Yallop, R. (2001, June 16-17). The trouble with boys.The Weekend Australian, pp. 19, 22.
Goodyear, P. (2001, May 6). Word power: Depression sets in at a young age if children don’t receive the right kind of encouragement.The Sun-Herald Sunday Life Magazine, p. 33.
Goodyear, P. (2001, May 6). Word power: Depression sets in at a young age if children don’t receive the right kind of encouragement.The Sunday Age Life Magazine, p. 33.
Boman, P. (Researcher). (2001, April 10). Boys losing out on transition to high school [Radio broadcast]. In K. Phillips (Reporter), Breakfast with Peter Godfrey. Adelaide, SA: 5UV Community Radio.
Boman, P. (Researcher). (2001, March 15). Optimism and adjustment to high school [Radio broadcast]. In J. McCrossan (Broadcaster), Life Matters. Sydney, NSW: ABC Radio National.
Boman, P. (Researcher). (2001, February 27). Optimism and adjustment to high school [Radio broadcast]. In B. Gleeson (Broadcaster), Morning Show. Tamworth, NSW: ABC Radio.
Is the class half empty or half full? (2001, February 26). The Australian, p. 14.
Boys “losing out” in move to high school. (2001, February 22). The Armidale Express Extra, p. 7.
Boman, P. (Researcher). (2001, February 20). Optimism and adjustment to high school [Radio broadcast]. In P. Bevan (Broadcaster), Morning Show. Newcastle, NSW: ABC Radio.
Editorial Boards
Journal of Positivity Psychology and Wellbeing