BA Counselling
DProf (USQ Candidate)
I completed my Diploma of Counselling in 2014 and my Bachelor of Counselling in 2017, both at The Australian College of Applied Professions (ACAP). I have got my Master of Criminology from the University of Sydney. Currently, I am a doctorate candidate at the University of Southern Queensland. The main purpose of my research is to establish an evidence-based model of Art Therapy for children of incarcerated Indigenous parents.
I have worked as a counsellor at the Emerging Community Resource Centre (Canterbury Bankstown Council). I
As a teacher, my interest is to provide classes that encourage students to question concepts, theories, and explore alternatives to enhance counselling skills.
Teaching and Coordination Responsibilities
Current Teaching and Coordination
COUN2231 Life Span Development
COUN3251 Counselling Children and Youth
COUN5831 Group Work Theory and Practice
I have already taught other subjects such as
COUN6104 Philosophy and theory of Counselling
COUN5851 Trauma Counselling
COUN5171 Ethical Decision Making
COUN5151 Cross Cultural Counselling
COUN3221 Family and Relationship Counselling
COUN12131 Counselling Skills Training
MULT1015 Applications in Context
ORCID ID profile URL
HDR Research Supervision
Doctor of Professional Studies (Candidate)
Investigating Arts Therapy as a counselling approach for Indigenous children who have an incarcerated parent: A Work-based study towards intervention model/approach
Professional registrations or accreditation
PACFA Reg. Clinical 23909