Professor Mike Innes
Mike has experience in research and teaching in several institutions, including the University of Birmingham, University of Edinburgh, University of Adelaide, University of Michigan, James Cook University, Murdoch University, and the Australian College of Applied Professions. In these last three centres he was the Head of School of Psychology. He has also been an Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Adelaide and ProVice Chancellor of the Murdoch University International Studies Centre in Dubai.
Mike has taught units in psychology and social psychology at all levels of undergraduate and postgraduate psychology, politics and history. These include units in social psychology, personality, life span development, psychometrics, professional issues in applied psychology, contemporary social issues, the efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy, cognitive psychology, inter-group relations and the psychology of leadership.
Mike’s research has been in several areas of psychology and the social sciences. These include studies of social influence and the psychology of attitudes and belief, the social psychology of group dynamics, the effects of social stress in health and wellness, especially studying the behaviour of personnel in emergency and social services, the influences of the mass media, personality and authoritarianism and the sociology and psychology of science and technology. His most recent work has been on the study of artificial intelligence (AI) to explore the impact of developments on social structure and behaviour, especially upon the impact on employment. He is particularly concentrating upon the effects of AI on the future of the profession of psychology.
ORCID ID profile URL
Awards and Professional Associations
- Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia
- Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society
- Fellow of the British Psychological Society
- Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science
- Fellow of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology
- Editor, Australian Journal of Psychology, 2004-2007
- Recipient of Outstanding Contribution to the College Award, Australian College of Applied Professions, Sydney, 2014
- Recipient of Justice and Society Champion Award, Academic/Industry Adjunct, University of South Australia, 2020
- Visiting Professor, Research Center for Group Dynamics, University of Michigan, 1984
- Visiting Professor Arizona State University, 1988
- Visiting Professor, Macquarie University 2009-2011
- Adjunct Professor, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of South Australia, 2017-2024
- Visiting Professor, Department of Social Psychology and Quantitative Psychology, University of Barcelona, 2022
- Visiting By-Fellow, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, 2023
Selected Publications
Innes, J.M. The social psychologist as a community engagement agent. In C. Pratt (Ed.). (2016).
The diversity of university-community engagement” An international perspective. Malaysia ACUPEN. (Pp. 161-169).
Innes, J.M., & Morrison, B. Is the future threat of automation to the professions real? The helping professions as case studies. Proceedings of National Employment Solutions Conference 2018, Tweed Heads, NSW.
Innes, J.M. & B. Morrison. Can we predict the outcomes of deep learning algorithms that simulate and replace professional skills? Understanding the threats of artificial intelligence. In K. Andrews et al. (Eds). Innovation in a changing world. Navitas. 2020. Pp 163-176. ISBN: 978-0-9876309-0-2.
Innes, J.M. & B.W. Morrison. (2021). Artificial Intelligence and Psychology. In A. Elliott (Ed.). The Routledge social science handbook of artificial intelligence. London: Routledge. Chap. 3, Pp. 30-57.
Elliott, A., & Innes, J.M. (2022). Co-members of Expert Group, Authors of Chapter 4. Australian Academy of Sciences. Getting ahead of the game: Athlete data in professional sport. ISBN 978-0-80847-870-1. Canberra: Australia.
Innes, J.M. & Morrison, B.W. (2023). Social identity and artificial intelligence. In A. Elliott (Ed.). Routledge handbook of identity and artificial intelligence.
Innes, J.M., & Chambers, T.P. (2017). The evaluation of significant figures in the history of social psychology: A class exercise in the teaching of introductory social psychology. Psychology, Learning and Teaching, 16 (1) 105-114.
Innes, J.M., & Morrison, B. W. (2017). Projecting the future impact of advanced technologies on the profession: Will a robot take my job? InPsych, Australian Psychological Society, 39 (2), April, Pp. 34-35.
Struer-Tranberg, T., & Innes, J.M. (2017). Media influence on host society responsibility in the integration of immigrants. Journal of Psychological Science, 3 (1), 50-68.
Innes, J. M. Author of box 14: Changing employment; A case study of AI and the impact on psychologists. In T.Walsh et al. (2019) The effective and ethical development of artificial intelligence. Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies. P.78.
Innes, J.M. & Morrison, B.W. (2020). Experimental studies of human robot interaction: threats to valid interpretation from methodological constraints associated with experimental manipulations. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13 (4), 765-773. doi: 10.1007/s12369-020- 00671-8
Innes, J.M., & Morrison, B.W. (2021). Australian psychology in a post-pandemic world: The future of education, regulation and technology. In Psych, Australian Psychological Society, 42 (6), 50-55.
Innes, J.M., & Morrison, B.W. (2021). Machines can do most of a psychologist’s job: the industry must prepare for disruption. The Conversation, 9th February. (60,521 reads) https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/02/psychologists-job-mental-health-employment-artifical-intelligence-ai-robots
Innes, J.M., & Morrison, B.W. (2022). COVID-19 exposes the essential tensions in the provision of higher education and training in psychology: A case study. Australian Universities Review, 64(1), 27-38.
Botansky, C., & Innes, J.M. (2022) Changing Attitudes to Psychedelic Drug Assisted Therapy: The Induction of Empathy to Enhance Community Support for Innovative Interventions in Mental Health. Journal of Psychedelic Studies, 6 (2), 104-110. doi:10.1556/2054.2022.00203.
Innes, C.J., Innes, J.M., & Morrison, B.W. (2022). Social representation of the profession of psychology and the application of artificial intelligence: European Union regulatory authority and the application of psychology as a paradigm for the future. Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies,14 (1), 2-17.
Innes, J. M. An affecting moment: Comment on article; Collier, P. (03 February 2023) “Aversion therapy: A personal account”. The Psychologist, April 2023.
Morrison B.W., Joshua N. Kelso, Natalie M. V. Morrison, Innes J.M., Yeslam Al-Saggaf, Manoranjan Paul, Angelica Varham, Gregory Zelic, Kathryn Bergin. (2023). You’re not the boss of me, algorithm: Increased user control and positive implicit attitudes are related to greater adherence to an algorithmic aid. Interacting with Computers, 00.1-9. Doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwad028.
Morrison B.W., Joshua N. Kelso, Natalie M. V. Morrison, Innes J.M., Yeslam Al-Saggaf, Manoranjan Paul, Angelica Varham, Gregory Zelic, Kathryn Bergin. (2023). Decision support systems (DSSs) ‘in the Wild’: The factors that influence users’ acceptance of decision support systems in naturalistic settings. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making