Bachelor of Psychological Science and Criminology

Recommended sequence of enrolments for students commencing full time study based on trimester commencement:
Year First trimester Second trimester Third trimester
1 MULT1015 Applications in Context
PSYC1042 Psychology: History, Science and Application 1
CRIM1004 Theoretical Criminology
MULT1025 Professions and Society
PSYC1052 Foundational Psychological Processes
SOSC1024 Diversity and Justice
PSYC2102 Psychology: History, Science and Application 2
MULT1035 Sustainability and Helping Professionals
JALE1054 Crime and the Media
2 PSYC2112 Foundational Perspectives: Cognition
PSYC2122 Foundational Perspectives: Biological Bases
JALE2034 Penology
PSYC2132 Foundational Perspectives: Lifespan Development
CRIM2044 Innovative Justice
JALE2024 Drugs and Crime
PSYC3102 Psychology: History, Science and Application 3
PSYC3112 Individual Differences and Assessment
CRIM3004 Victimology
3 PSYC3122 Abnormal Psychology and Intervention
JALE3934 Forensic Psychology
JALE3904 Youth Justice
PSYC3132 Social and Community Psychology
PSYC3222 Psychological Science in Everyday Life
SOSC2004 Indigenous Peoples and Justice
Recommended sequence of enrolments for students commencing part time study based on trimester commencement:
Year First trimester Second trimester Third trimester
1 MULT1015 Applications in Context
CRIM1004 Theoretical Criminology
PSYC1042 Psychology: History, Science and Application 1
SOSC1024 Diversity and Justice
MULT1025 Professions and Society
JALE1054 Crime and the Media
PSYC1052 Foundational Psychological Processes
MULT1035 Sustainability and Helping Professionals
PSYC2102 Psychology: History, Science and Application 2
CRIM2044 Innovative Justice
PSYC2112 Foundational Perspectives: Cognition
JALE2034 Penology
3 PSYC2122 Foundational Perspectives: Biological Bases
JALE2024 Drugs and Crime
PSYC2132 Foundational Perspectives: Lifespan Development
SOSC2004 Indigenous Peoples and Justice
PSYC3102 Psychology: History, Science and Application 3
JALE3934 Forensic Psychology
4 PSYC3112 Individual Differences and Assessment
JALE3904 Youth Justice
PSYC3132 Social and Community Psychology
PSYC3222 Psychological Science in Everyday Life
PSYC3122 Abnormal Psychology and Intervention
CRIM3004 Victimology
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